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Comment I welcome the end of the USA (Score 0) 670

There will be a day, hopefully very soon, where I no longer have the "news" of the USA shown to me.

Whether this is by filter, a firefox plugin or simply from the fact the entire county has imploded financially or due to stupendous idiocy - it matters not.

I am tired of seeing stupid stories like this and the incessant barking of either the "left" or the "right" as to the right/wrong of the latest endemic self created stupidity.

I am tired of the unrelenting hate, the spite, the fear mongering, the insults, intolerance, racism, loathing and viciousness that spews out. Build a GIANT WALL and imprison yourselves. Let the rest of the world enjoy ourselves.

Comment Re:Update the constitution (Score 1) 426

At what stage, at what juncture and at what point do normal people decide that enough is enough. That the government no longer acts in the interests of its people, but only itself and becomes so egregious, so intolerable and so profoundly unacceptable that the only course of action is to forcefully eject the members of the parliament and destroy it?

Elections are not enough. Two party systems create their own velocities and duopolies never truly contest each other. They are in a cosy relationship, like that of a binary star system, that will last a billion years.

At what stage do we, again as ORDINARY citizens, proclaim the system is evil, corrupt and rotten? Do we take up arms?

I don't think people these days have the guts, willpower or determination. Aldus Huxley was right in Brave New World.

Comment Re: This is SO WRONG !! (Score 1) 297

Well, when the fascists come it looks like a good idea. Until, that is, the authorities are politicised, injustice is rampant, corruption is rife, financial systems fail and the government doesn't explain itself.

The USA is doomed. Utterly doomed.

"The terrorists" aren't the problem. It's the government.

Obama hasn't failed. The citizens have. They have failed themselves.


Comment Re: Bloomberg and Democrats are enemies of the wor (Score -1, Offtopic) 278

The trouble with workers, is they are just that. They can't run a company, can't come up with a great idea or provide genuine leadership. If they could, they wouldn't be workers.

Handing them the reigns due to some misguided attempt at Robin Hood-ism will lead the universal failure.

What is needed is forcing the uber wealthy to use their money is a socially beneficial manner, not squirrelling it away unused.

Comment Untrue (Score 5, Interesting) 64

They know everything. Not just the shirt, but how you paid, the brand, how much it was, its size and all the alternatives that were available at the time in the store.

I worked in a project with them for years and I can tell you they have every last scintilla of every purchase you have EVER made with an EFTPOS or credit card.

They, like Kang, Know All.

Comment Re:North Korea (Score 3, Funny) 142

Indeed your argument is true.

I don't agree with countries that torture, hold extraordinary renditions, run black concentration camps, indiscriminate murder other countries citizens, incarcerate its innocent citizens or bankrupt them to protect corporate larceny, but I do host my sites there.

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