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Submission + - 0MQ for Java does 1.4M msg/s, 35usec latency (

pieterh writes: "The team making the GPL-licensed ØMQ message transfer system have released a Java API which lets applications exchange up to 1.4M messages per second across 1Gb Ethernet. By comparison, conventional messaging does 2,500 to 4,000 (larger) messages per second. This is the same software which hit 9.5M messages/second on 16-core boxes. ØMQ is a new breed of open source messaging middleware that aims to be the "Fastest. Messaging. Ever." It sits in a space dominated by big players like IBM and TIBCO. Can an open source team beat the largest firms and make a faster, better product?"
User Journal

Journal Journal: Patents vs. the Independent Inventor

In July, the European Parliament will vote on a proposal entitled the "Computer Implemented Inventions Directive". Unless a clear majority of all MEPs - 367 of them - vote against the proposal, software patents will become law in Europe.

User Journal

Journal Journal: PacMan & Ghosts

So it looks like this... Microsoft is PacMan, gobbling up the software patent dots, one by one. Paying off its lawsuits, one by one. Bribing its antagonists, one by one. Enough software patents, enough dropped anti-trust cases, enough settlements, and it'll be able to stand up to IBM, and maybe even castrate Linux.

User Journal

Journal Journal: The Global Protection Racket

It hit me a few days ago. We all know that politicians are a little corrupt. But the vision of Bush swaggering like a little mobster, the poison put out by the Republican machine, the utter inability of the Dems to defend against these attacks...

It's not just the most dirty campaign ever seen. What we're seeing is a full-blown attack on US civil society by a group of men who resemble nothing as much a well-organized criminal gang.

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All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
