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Comment Cost comes from consumer value, not production (Score 1) 536

The cost of things comes from how much consumers are willing to pay, not how much it costs to make. An illustration of this is that man go to much effort to find pearls because they are valuable. They are not valuable because of the effort. In terms of how much profits are justified, any profit is justified. If they were not justified (usually by risk and uncertainty), then more people would shift to this field and compete (thus lowering profits).

Comment Re:Vertical Stability and Durability (Score 1) 196

In a way a stabilized lens causes additional complications: the visual system is designed to scan things, in order to see them. If you hold an object fix relative to the eye, with retinal stabilization (http://www.answers.com/topic/stabilization-of-retinal-images), it disappears after a few seconds. So displaying one pixel for one second is ok, but displaying text will require some even smarter engineering.

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