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Flight Attendant Quits And Exits Plane Via Emergency Slide 24

You may question his actions, but you can't say that 38-year-old flight attendant Steven Slater doesn't know how to quit in style. After a passenger refused to apologize for hitting him in the head with either a bag or the overhead compartment, Slater got on the the loudspeaker and told those aboard to "go f*** themselves." He the grabbed a couple beers from the drink cart, activated the emergency chute, and slid away into unemployment.

Comment Re:walled garden version for the rest of us? (Score 1) 75

Haven't they already taken the first step with compulsory driver signing in their 64-bit OSes?

IIRC, one of the reasons for requiring driver signing was not for the logo certification part (which I thought remained optional, but I may be wrong on that) but actually to help with Microsoft's crash analysis efforts.

With a signed driver it's much easier to identify the vendor of a buggy driver, get in contact and ask them to fix their code, and even offer to push out an update via the Microsoft Update tool.


Submission + - Personal data left in Excel sheet on web server

Alex Dekker writes: "The UK's National Health Service IT program [the catchily-named 'NPfIT'] has come under fire recently for horrific cost overruns [£12.4 billion and counting] and massive under-performance. Not satisfied with that however, they've decided to leave an Excel sheet with large amounts of personal data in a publically accessible directory on a web server. Given that this was on the day that the man in charge of NPfIT, Richard Granger, told the Commons Health Select Committee that "no system can be 100% secure", one wonders if his minions took this as a direct order"

Submission + - How Does One Combat Spam?

An anonymous reader writes: Hey Slashdot crowd, I was curious if anyone has any suggestions on offensively dealing with spam. For a couple years I've been fairly lucky — I haven't really been smacked with spam, maybe one spam e-mail a day or so — but recently I've been getting up to 50 junk e-mails per day on most of my addresses. I don't want to change my e-mail address nor my personal domain because of these idiots, so that's out of the question. My e-mail client does a decent job of cleaning it up and putting it in the Junk mail folder, but are there any offensive measures you guys take against a spammer?

Is there any organization or some sort of united front where I may send my junk e-mail to so it can be analyzed or dealt with? Really, anything at all that can be done so I feel like I'm making a difference instead of just bending over and taking it?
Linux Business

Submission + - Alan Cox files patent for DRM

booooh writes: "Alan Cox has filed a patent for DRM (Digital Rights Management). em-dt20050623ptan20050138406.php
A rights management system monitors and controls use of a computer program to prevent use that is not in compliance with acceptable terms.
The nice things about this are:
  1. According to Red Hat's patent pledge they will not license this technology if the patent is granted, but rather will probably sue to avoid others using it.
  2. It can probably be applied to the DRM that is in Vista...
see more details at: .php?p=2574359"

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