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Comment Not NSA erasible (Score 1) 210

Nice idea but flawed...

Until we outlaw the NSA-Military-Corporate-Industrial Government's ability to do their "Big Data Spying" in the name of "security" no application / service will elude the rooms where they scrape your data & mail before it hits your application.

No mention of that in the article... but then you would not expect real reporting from a paper owned by Rupert Murdoch

Internet Explorer

Open Source Add-on Rewrites the User Interface of IE11 86

An anonymous reader writes "This is how Internet Explorer would look if you move the tabs to the top like in other browsers. Developed as a design and UX study, the open source add-on replaces the default navigation bar and combines three traditionally separate toolbars into one. The UX project started in 2004 to demonstrate that it is feasible to combine the address, search, and find box into one. Additionally, Quero offers a variety of customization options for IE, including making the UI themeable or starting Microsoft's desktop browser always maximized."

Comment Re:Perhaps not (Score 1) 598

We didn't have something happen within the last 80 years? Eat a rancid dick you moron.

No we did not have a holocaust in the US. For all of the talk on the part of the free speech and free guns crowd, it is from among their number that are more likely to espouse a new holocaust. I cannot think of a single liberal Democrat that would cry "Death to the Jews!" while the fringe wingnuts get fed snippets of hate from that "fair and balanced" Fox News.

No body has been rounded up en masse in the United States because their were considered "evil outcasts" of the government in power. No one was stripped of all of their earthy possessions and sent to their death in as many ways as could be found or given over to be a lab test animal until they died. Yes the government did send Japanese citizens to camps during WWII... but it did not turn them into mountains of bones dumped into unmarked graves. What happened to Americans during WWII was shameful but what the German government did was unadulterated evil.

But in your tiny little child-like mind you want to be able to say whatever you want to say and like most "games" that you play there should be no consequences for speaking lashon hara in real life.. On the contrary, TANSTAAFL applies. There Ain't No Such Thing as A Free Lunch--- the same must be said of speech... So speech should be limited for bullies, pug-uglies, wayward inarticulate children [you sound like one] or anyone else that tends to want to put the blame on someone else for the results of their own actions. You cannot compare President Bush or President Obama or any other President of the last 70 years to the horrors Fuehrer Hitler ordered.

Hate speech can and does lead to further hatefulness regardless of the source. The "sticks and stones can break bones, but name never hurt me." is a fallacy repeatedly disproved by every hate monger that has sprung up through history. Words can and have incited riots, lynch mobs, and mass murder. Better to limit the incitement by requiring the hateful to either remain silent or pay a price for breaking the peace and social cohesion.

There is a story told of a Jew who hated his Rabbi for some imagined slight so he said evil things about the Rabbi. Eventually, the man realized he had made a mistake in saying the things he did. So he went to the Rabbi and asked what he could do for penance for having spoken evil words. The Rabbi asked the the man to go and purchase two feather pillows and return with them. So the man bought the pillows and returned. It was a fine gusty day. The Rabbi instructed the man to tear open the pillows and when he did the wind caught the feathers and spread them far and wide. "Now," said the Rabbi. "You must go and pick up every feather, put them back into the pillow cases, a then return here. Then I will consider you have completed your penance." "But Rabbi that is impossible!" Said the man. "How can I pick up every feather? The wind has taken them every where." "And so it is with evil speech." Replied the Rabbi. "Once spoken evil speech cannot be returned to its source."

Evil speech led to the murder of 15 million outcasts [Decadent, Gay, Romany, Mentally and physically handicapped, and Jewish] by the German government during WWII. Six million were Jewish or of Jewish descent. Is it any wonder we do not like hate speech of any kind?

Think before you speak. The price of lashon hara is your humanity.

Comment The Book vs. The Movie,. Satire? Really???? (Score 2) 726

One of the strangest things I've often heard repeated concerning the book is it is "glorified fascist fantasy"... which shows a lack of understanding of what Heinlein was trying to communicate. A better understanding of Heinlein's views might be take from his character Prof. Bernardo dela Paz in "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress".-- which is to say Heinlein appears to have been a "rational anarchist"... perfectly happy to obey [or not] any rules you happen to set... The pill that chokes the critics of this book appears to be that Heinlein proposes that having a government made up of people that have proved their willingness to put themselves in harms way to protect humanity by serving it for 20 or 30 years might be better than the usual way Democracy does things.

If you follow the chain of logic of Starship Troopers story the society and government of his earth is exceedingly rational... Heinlein pointed out how our current "military-industrial complex" is hopelessly bogged in bureaucracy... The "Mobile Infantry" is built so everybody works & everybody fights... unlike our current military. For Heinlein's other "send up" of the military and "politics as usual" read Glory Road.

Even being the spine-less Liberal that I am, I can read the book and understand how / why someone might believe things should be arranged this way... On the other hand I am not so trusting of modern jingoist "rugged individualist" folks that call themselves libertarian [when in fact they are more often than not whiney self-centered babies who believe that a souless corporation is better than a gunked up bureaucracy... Which only proves they are the kind of ignorant that Heinlein would have hated.]. Heinlein graduated from Annapolis and he did serve this country. Where did Verhoeven serve?

As for the movie... If it is a satire it is not of Heinlein or the book he wrote, since the only thing that they have in common is the name.

There were no female troopers in the book.
While Heinlein has been called anti-feminist and a patristic SOB, the reason he only had males fighting is he believed [right or wrong] that males and females have certain roles... females make better pilots and males better warriors [we're not talkin' equal rights agit-prop here, just biology]. Females are the future of humankind and deserve to be protected [see the Notebooks of Lazerus Long about the true purpose of laws] Heinlein believed that a man will fight better if the last thing he hears before he drops is a female voice wishing him luck... Is it true? Who knows? -- we've never tried it. It appears that the Heinlein that is held up by liberal critics is actually a "straw man".

There were no jump troopers in the movie.
The purpose of the mobile infantry is being "the most effective fighting organization in history"... What we see in the movie is the equivalent of the old Saturday Matinee B Monster movies... Heroes or monster fodder... either or... which only shows a failure to understand Heinlein's chain of reasoning.

So if the movie is a satire, then it must be a satire of someone trying to satirize a book with which they disagree and do not have the wit or the art to craft a movie to accurately depict both the right and the wrong of the author's thesis and how the author chose to resolve the conflict... if it is a an actual satire of Heinlein then it is a FAIL -- and even a liberal like me can see that...

As for Card's "Ender's Game"... Here is a story written by homophobic writer telling a story about how someone exploits a child into murdering another race by playing the equivalent of a video game... Um... yeah... Better title: "Molested by the Military"...

I think the exploitation of Ender and Card's homophobia are probably related... Yet the difference between Ender and Card is that Ender actually has some kind compassion for people that are not like him... while Card has proven how really small he is as a person and that he is apparently incapable of compassion for people that are not like him [i.e. if you are not straight & Mormon then you should have no right to be happy]

Heinlein never doubted that in the race to survive Humankind should fight tooth and nail to survive and not lose sleep over dead enemies... As an old saying puts it: "The best revenge is to outlive your enemies." Yet even as we look to survive we might some time stop and ask as Rabbi Hillel did: "If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, then what am I? And if not now, when?”

No Heinlein is not perfect and for those who don't want to think through the hard parts it's easy to say he was a jingo-ist and goose step fascist... I have not seen a "liberal SF writer" address the issues or ideas that Heinlein did and offer "alternate solutions." Where are Doctorow, Sterling, Gibson, or Stephenson's equivalent stories and solutions? I may not completely agree with Heinlein's politics but I'm smart enough to respect his ruminations on the subject...

Comment Re:Amazon Does this too (Score 1) 325

Google may be a CIA project for all I know... but they are not trying to make a profit by recommending you buy a book about how to write a eulogy for a relative who's body has barely cooled-- That my friend *IS* creepy.

Do I like the fact that Eric Schmidt thinks we all live in glass houses and thinks there is no such thing a a right to privacy? That's a crass elitist talking... but believe me he would change his tune if some one started posting his "private life" or the private lives of his loved ones...

But Amazon? Mr. Bezos built his profit platform without a thought to "loving kindness" or ethical standards... which is why they are willing to make creepy recommendations...

Comment Amazon Does this too (Score 5, Interesting) 325

Google isn't the only one that reads your mail.

If you have a Kindle Fire or Fire HD they are reading it too. I had the upsetting experience of reading an email on my Kindle Fire HD that announced my father's death and then not more than a few hours later was served a "recommendation" on my Kindle a book on how to write a Eulogy.

I deleted my email account information from the kindle and shut down the recommendation system on the device... and I told Amazon how creepy they were... At least Google hasn't served creepy ads like that... so far...

Maybe Amazon should learn from Google and adopt "Don't Be Creepy" as their motto. Are you listening, Mr. Bezos?

[By the way I tried at the time to put Amazon's actions up as a news story on Slashdot... but it was not picked up as a story...]

Comment Define Treason (Score 5, Insightful) 524

It's like asking "what do you mean by sex?" and yet... how is what Snowden did treason? All he has done is reveal the fact that the three branches of our government have basically said "we have the right to spy on you be cause we say so. and if you reveal the fact that we are violating your rights under the constitution they pull the magic "States Secrets" bunny out of the hat that waves its magic wand and gags those that would speak because it is treason... Um... How's that again? Where does it say that "State Secrets" trumps the constitution?

Comment Re: If it is off (Score 1) 472

That's not even remotely what a TPM does.

A possible correction to your assertion-- you meant to say: "That's not even remotely what *they say* TPM does..." The truth is we only have the assurances of those whom we no longer trust for most of the alleged "privacy" and "security" of our systems...

Security mechanisms are built on trust in the purveyors of the mechanism... I'd say from the revelations that the US Government [which is NOT denying them] has just blown our trust in most security mechanisms to very small pieces... The whole "TPM hardware is safer" and the fact that the world's biggest OS seller requires it for its current OS speaks volumes.

Maybe TPM means "The Pwned Machine"

Comment Re:Obama Fellatio HQ (Score 1) 472

Being one of those liberal hippies you seem to be attempting to blame for "Republican Military-Industrial Complex Elitism As Usual" let me speak on our behalf:

No. Mr. O does not speak for me. Mr. O is just another "Republican Moderate" in allegedly liberal clothing [if he had been a *real* liberal he would have gotten us the "Single Provider" [aka Socialist} version of healthcare like all reasonable western countries have rather than the Capitalist "bend over, here's the bill" Romney-care.

I do not support Mr. Obama and his Republican backers in regards to spying and their violation of privacy and free speech. I have to ask tho': Is your memory so short? The NSA making war on the American People has nothing to do with a particular politician... I'm sure that if Romney-bama had won it would be exactly the same [except Snowdon might have gotten a drone strike] Don't you get it? Or are you just one of those who can't think any further that "the wise words" of Limbaugh, Beck, or Hanity? All that has happened is Obama has become Bush III. [or should we say Nixon IV? All this stuff began under Bush II and probably even Bush I [since he was an ex Director CIA]....

Our allegedly two party system is actually two faces of the same 1% Capitalists -- who believe that lying, cheating, stealing, and sticking their nose in to the lives of the proles is acceptable to their comfort... after all they aren't snooping on each other are they? -- Except to get what they want... Which is how Mr O. has become "a Liberal that Joe McCarthy could love"(TM)... How many of our "Freedom loving" Republicans or Or "I am a rugged individualist Tea DoucheBagger" are actually saying "this is "wrong and I'm writing veto proof legislation to kill the spying"? Where is the Republican or conservative Congressional censure? Look! There IS none! Most of your Conservative friends are cheering this on... Welcome to the Barry Goldwarter 1984...

Just wait till the morals proctors get a hold on this stuff then we'll have the Scarlett Alphabet of offenses against the state

Mister O. does not make laws. Congress does. Where is your outrage at the violation of the constitution? Why aren't you throttling your Congress with questions like: Where does it say in the constitution there is a guarantee to the government that "State Secrets" is a free pass to tyranny or violating the constitution? You see? Everything your "Douchebag Conservative Establishment (TM)" [including Limbaugh, Beck, & Hanity} has ever said about us Socialist-leaning Hippies is wrong...

Hippies never started any wars... Hippies never napalmed anyone [United States in South Vietnam], nor released Sarin gas [Syria & Iraq]... Hippies don't chop off people's heads for moral infractions [Saudi Arabia anyone?] nor encourage lying [Most governments]... Hippies don't condone nor control drone assassination teams [The CIA]... Your Duly Elected Washington Representatives don't speak for us at all... All of the lying Corporation Bought Representatives of our Congress as well as the secondary Legislative branch call the Supreme Court are no one we would call friend... Nor the current POTUS nor any of the potential future ones... as they are all bought and paid for by all of the corporations you know and love...

by the way... Hippies don't like corporations... but the corporations love people that they can lead around by the noses... like maybe some of your congress persons or you since you seem to be fixed on the wrong Villain in this skit....

In the future please remember our motto-- Make Love, Not War!

If you don't like what America has become, I advise you, as we hippies were advised by the conservatives and red-necked Southern Good Ol' Boys way back when: "America, Love it or Leave it!"

Comment Re:The author is lying (Score 1) 105

From your comment I'd say you have no clue how the ad networks are being used as a malware delivery system and since any number of the readers here have already attested "mouse over" attacks do exist....What I am hearing you say the ad networks have done absolutely nothing to prevent their networks being used as an attack vector... say something like vetting the URLs provided for the "banners"... I can tell you that at least 6 years ago I had a "mouse over" attack from a banner served on talk about biting the hand that feeds IT!

On the other hand since installing ad block plus and NoScript on the systems on my network I have not had one single pop-up malware attack or other browser related malware / trapdoor / ransomware infection... Script blocking add-ons seem to be the only protection against the ad networks failure to keep virus free advertizing.

Comment The LeftHand Path (Score 4, Informative) 193

Actually for those that administer these systems this is old news...

I worked for a financial institution that had two four node clusters of storage products [one was SATA based and the other SAS based] which were developed by LeftHand Networks which ran on HP storage servers [DL320s] and Dell hardware as well. Shortly after we installed the clusters, HP bought LeftHand... and the LeftHand OS [then called SAN i/Q] became an HP only product [they dropped support for other hardware]. at that time (2008) this support back door already existed... I had occasion to allow a LeftHand support engineer access to a node which had taken itself off line... and the only way to bring it back was the command line backdoor -- It was part of the LeftHand OS / Cluster Administration software... LeftHand OS is a actually Linux with some custom cluster control / management software.

The real issue of this account is that it allows a third party access to an interface that the owner of the hardware cannot access-- yep, that is right LeftHand did not trust its clients with access to the command line on their storage server products... you were buying a very complex "Storage Appliance" which *required* a support contract... they were designed as a RAID 5 Cluster. Each Node was set up as a RAID 50 array and then the nodes were then clustered as Raid 5... you could lose a lot of drives and still have a cluster which at the time was something unique on the market

On the other had (the left one?) the Support Engineers at LeftHand were extremely knowledgeable of their products [It was then a start up and at least in part employee owned] and they were actually concerned and responsive to the needs of their customers... I was sad that the senior Support folks cashed out and moved on when HP bought them...

When HP took over that all went out the window... by 2009 the front end of the support operation went to Mexico and if you really did need a support engineer they would have the engineer call you [previously the Support number was a direct line to the support engineers]

Now my recollection was the reason that HP bought them was that LeftHand had a product that was better than HP's offerings at the time... so it should not be surprising that the LeftHand code base evolved / moved into other products...

The bottom line is that the only way to get access to the command line of a LeftHand node required either SSH access or a modem connection. As an administrator, giving network access to black hats by failing to block access SSH access to sensitive systems from unknown IP space just shows you are an idiot. While I understood the reason for the back door my only real fear of it was that some HP trainee engineer would wipe a cluster and take down the vSphere cluster that the storage cluster supported. The fact that my boss did not know the password made the system safe... since my boss knew nothing about server systems or networks...

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