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Submission + - Google Street View raises privacy concerns

Pcol writes: "The New York Times is running a story about a woman who says her cat is clearly visible through the living room window of her second-floor apartment using Street View and that she has contacted Google asking that the photo be removed. "The issue that I have ultimately is about where you draw the line between taking public photos and zooming in on people's lives," Ms. Kalin-Casey said in an interview. "The next step might be seeing books on my shelf. If the government was doing this, people would be outraged." Wired has started a contest on the most interesting photos found using the new Google Tool that now includes sunbathing coeds, alleged drug deals, and the google van itself. "I think that this product illustrates a tension between our First Amendment right to document public spaces around us, and the privacy interests people have as they go about their day," says Kevin Bankston, a staff lawyer at the Electronic Frontier Foundation. "Happy goldfish bowl to you, to me, to everyone, and may each of you fry in hell forever.""

Submission + - Would you fight your own software patent?

ingo23 writes: Everybody knows that the Slashdot crowd just loves the software patents. If not the patents, what would you rant about? Now imagine this — at work you are developing a piece of some cool software. And one day your employer decides to file a patent for it naming you as an inventor. Would you gladly accept the honor or would you get on a soap box and stir up a little revolt against software patents?

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