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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 7 declined, 15 accepted (22 total, 68.18% accepted)


Submission + - iRobot + Kinect = Robotic Overlord (

InfiniteZero writes: Philipp Robbel, a student at MIT’s Personal Robotics Group, has hacked together the Kinect 3D sensor with an iRobot Create platform and assembled a battery powered bot that can see its environment and obey (sure) your gestured commands. Will they include the three laws of robotics in the next firmware update?

Submission + - Reprogrammed Skin Cells Turned into Baby Mice (

InfiniteZero writes: According to this WSJ story, 'Two teams of Chinese researchers working separately have reprogrammed mature skin cells of mice to an embryonic-like state and used the resulting cells to create live mouse offspring. The reprogramming may bring scientists one step closer to creating medically useful stem-cell lines for treating human disease without having to resort to controversial laboratory techniques. However, the advance poses fresh ethical challenges because the results could make it easier to create human clones and babies with specific genetic traits.'

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