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Comment Re:How many years could he be charged with? (Score 1) 299

As a matter of protocol, the Swedish goverment is not allowed to make any decisions on extradition before the extradition has been processed by the court system

No, but they're allowed to re-iterate the law. If it's illegal for them to extradite Assange, then they should be able to say that. If its legality needs to be determined by a court, then obviously there is a risk that they may extradite Assange, and his caution is warranted.

Comment Re:Real people just don't like dealing with Hipste (Score 2, Interesting) 371

No, businesspeople will not take a Hipster seriously when this Hipster insists on using provenly bad technologies like Ruby on Rails, JavaScript and NoSQL absolutely everywhere, especially when the Hipster was told that C++ is being used because the other 10 million lines of code in the system are written in C++. Businesspeople need software that works, not software that's built upon technologies solely chosen because of how much hype they've gotten, or how much they tickle the fancy of some Hipster.

They'll also not take seriously self-righteous morons who use the word "proven" as a justification for their technical prejudices, instead of to denote some objective reality. Or actually, they might, but the rest of us won't.

Comment Re:Technical People (Score 4, Insightful) 194

Sadly this is true, but it shouldn't be. Technical people should have the professionalism to analyse requirements and check that the requirements fit the purpose.

Most I know do. The problem is that they're not sufficiently expert in the domain (in this case, health care) to determine the purpose, and the purpose the client gave them is wrong.

Specs aren't just some bureaucratic hoop that needs to be jumped through to get a developer to sit down and code, and they're not something a developer can just wing, and get right anyway, because they already knew what they were and were just being anal about getting you to write down.

They are important, and if they're not done properly, the dev will likely spend a lot of time doing the wrong thing correctly, and you will be billed for it.

Comment Re: Translated into English (Score 5, Informative) 306

While that's true for lots of the objections raised, it isn't true for all of them. This, for example:

When Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Va., installed solar panels a few years ago, for example, the local utility, Dominion Virginia Power, threatened legal action. The utility said that only it could sell electricity in its service area.

Government-created incumbent monopolies seem to be playing their part as well.

Comment Re:Oh noes! (Score 1) 371

The death of a language starts when developers leave it in droves for something else. I don't see that happeneing for Java. Do you?

Pretty much. Nobody I know starts a new project in Java. Sure, they'll maintain it, and if they already run it, they'll add new features to an existing Java system, but if I ask someone to start a new web project, and ask them what the best language to develop it in is, I don't know anyone that would say "Java" (whereas go back 10 years, and it would have been all I heard). And Java desktop apps never really took off.

The only thing that's keeping Java relevant for new development is Google, with Android - and funnily enough, Oracle was busily involved in suing them over it. I feel like Oracle must be deliberately trying to run Java into the ground at this point.

Comment Re:Nerd Blackface (Score 1) 442

The Sheldon character holds down a high paying job and manages to interact with an admittedly small circle of friends. He's already doing better than a good segment of the population.

Do you really think that an IRL Sheldon without script immunity would be able to do the same? The TV Sheldon also seems to be a pretty crap physicist, given to conspiracy theories, junk science, and an inability to distinguish between fiction and reality.

Comment Re:The "dying industry"... (Score 1) 113 "professional journalism", and the "vibrant one" comprises bloggerss, press releases and Google Adwords, yes?

Professional journalism was dying long before the internet. Papers were spewing out nothing but press releases and rebadged wire stories long before blogging became a thing. The very fact that the newspapers were offering basically nothing is what allowed blogs to eat their lunch so thoroughly.

Comment Re:Good riddance (Score 1) 790

Because making it illegal means that nobody will do it. Just like making drugs illegal means nobody in the US smokes marijuana (except in Colorado).

Legislation will give you the illusion of safety, and (maybe, if the company is in the US, and you can afford the legal action) the ability to claim compensation after the fact. It can't give you actual safety.

Comment Re:Good riddance (Score 4, Insightful) 790

Yeah, I have absolutely no problem with this article. You don't want RandomCompany looking at your emails? Don't send your emails through RandomCompany servers.

Don't want your ISP looking at your emails? Encrypt your emails.

Don't have the ability to understand how to encrypt your emails and want someone to manage it for you because technology is all so hard but you still want to use it? Suck it up and learn, or pay someone to do it for you and stop whining about your own ignorance.

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