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Journal Journal: mtv makes me wanna smoke crack.. 1

...O.K. - VH1 actually, but they are all the same devilspawn anyway... (but I *still* watch em. go figure) flicking thru the cable box last night I came across some `top 25 sexiest artists of 2002` programme. Hung about to see who they were deciding was sexy... commenting on this was Monica Lewinsky ! now forgive me if i'm being judgmental - but when did giving Bill Clinton a BJ make you an expert on sexy ? Have you seen the man ? power is an aphrodisiac but come on...
User Journal

Journal Journal: My Hair

currently sporting a `Glen Medeiros` style haircut. This needs sorting as soon as possible...

Thankfully the hair fairy came in the night and cropped it. Now need a new bunnet to make up for the one I lost in a taxi. TWO feckin daze after I bought it!

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