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Comment Re:Actually doubles in 60 days (Score 1) 244

You are, of course, correct. And my round figure of 60 days is only a round figure. Anyone who is interested can try it themselves, with as much accuracy as they needed.

I had actually noted this the |irst time I tried to comment, but I went to log in, and my comment evaporated.

Specifically, I had said that if you believed the data, it was 60 day doubling. But if you didn't, you had to go back to the previous curve.

We will find out, in time, whether the infection rate was on the slower curve shown, or at the faster, previous rate.

Comment Actually doubles in 60 days (Score 4, Interesting) 244

Regardless of sourcing the information, the information is incorrect. According to this graph, Ebola is doubling every 60 days now -- so there has been some improvement.

Best way to keep up on this, that I can tell, is to google "ebola africa timeline wiki", and pan down to the timeline, near the bottom of the article. You'll see the graphs.

My favorite graph for keeping track is the logarithmic scale based on population , because it's easy to see where infection totality is: it used to be at 1 1/2 years, and now is about 5 years out.

Another thing of interest that I noted, though: The infection rates before a country mounts a serious response, can be as fast as doubling every 3 or 5 days. For that reason, I think our CDC's active attempts to STOP a proper response, was the worst thing they could do.

Just something to think about.

Comment Re:Magnetic field. (Score 1) 77

For myself, I'm more partial to the De Meijer idea that calcium bergs in the mantle collect uranium; I would posit that a collection of such calcium bergs might make enough of a reactor to power Hawaii or iceland.

Or, for that matter, a plume under the Scotia Plate / African Karoo (at least until a large, shallow asteroid struck one of the collection, driving it to the center, it in the Permian).

Maybe another under the Carribean Plate â"Hudson bay, until the shock waves from the first super-critical explosion caused that one to detonate, too, splitting Pangea.

Comment Re:Some technical info for slashdotters (Score 1) 61

I got about halfway through the video before the kids interrupted me (and it). So let me just ask:

Did your model take into account the energy gathering and discharge that would show a multi-amp, million-volt DC discharge? Because the energy implications of that are going to be enormous to the model.

Did it also have a mechanism that generated the lightning discharges of the storm? Because again, the lightning discharges are going to affect the electrical energy available to help / hinder the tornado.

Comment Re:Public image created by public, not owned by yo (Score 1) 257

True, you do not have a right to control the view of your public image. However, though I think âoeRight to be forgotten" is not how he should be going about ie, it would be okay for him to sue her for slander.

That should be a heads-up to her, that he grandiloquence is out of control. It also occurs to me that if anyone should be suing to be forgotten, it should be her: her essay was not only graceless, it went overboard with gracelessness. She could have been much more discreet -- praised his skill, noted that he spent too much effort on playacting, noting that he did not get an encore.

Comment Re:too expensive (Score 2) 136

I'm pretty sure this is patented. Currie Tech came out with such a wheel, and then quickly discontinued all mention of it. Since the focus of Currie Tech seems to be Chinese imports, I suspect that their wheel is manufactured and sold in China, where such issues as IP ownership are less formidable than here.

That said, I'm not sure I'd want such a wheel, because I'd be concerned about loss of control. Every so often with my $450 currie tech bike, the pedal assist kicks in where it is unwanted, like at a light, waiting for cross traffic to end. I have a control on it: my hand brake cutout. However, I don't know that I'd have any limitation on misbehavior by a Copenhagen wheel.

Comment Re:Interesting Cafeteria Story in Reverse (Score 1) 54

I don't know whether to believe you or not. On the one hand, it sounds like a snide remark, intended to be silly. On the other hand, in 2000 I taught school at a magnet school in one of the ex-satellite countries (Lithuania), and they do use abacuses to tote up lunches. Nothing huge about that; it's not done everywhere, but if that's how the lunch lady wants to operate and it works, more power to her.

I think it was a mistake to consider them behind because they mix new technology and old. All these discussions about the failure of our schools... maybe it would be better to find a good mix.

Comment Re: Was pretty obvious (Score 1) 284

why can't both be true? That Obama is better than the Republican alternative, and that he has hit a new low in the presidency?

Let's consider previous presidents: Can anyone argue against Reagan>GHWB>WJC>GWB>BO?

But now look where our biggest unexpected steps down were: GWB (whole new department of Terrorism, 2 wars) and GHWB (recession crash).

Not to cherrypick, I'd argue you can go back further than that.

And that isn't that Republican declared principles are wrong -- I agree with some of them them -- but the Republicans do more damage at once, given the same conditions.

But for those who want to argue that Barak's damage is worse than any, yes, I'd agree.

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