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Comment like this where I work (Score 2, Interesting) 794

my computer atw ork takes forever to boot, its not just the act of booting windows either its all the other programs that you have to load (and hope it actually works first time) before you cana ctually start doing your job, which in my case is call center related.

It can easily take 15 minutes plus to login and load everything on a good day. I do tend to leave my pc running overnight when I leave work (lukcily have this option due to mys hift but most don't since there pc will be used by another person after them) but its actually against company policy to leave your pc running and I hate to think how much power it wastes.

The thing is in my place you can only sign/clock in to the systems when you are rdy to start taking calls why they will pay you for your scehduled hours no matter what you do get marked down for none aderhence if you are not doing your job between hours your employed. This affects your bonus you get from company and I suppose could also get you sacked if it happend all the time.

They specifically tell you to come in 10-15 minutes early to boot up.

I suppose in theory you should get paid for it, but to be honest its probably wise your at work 10-15 minutes early anyway to grab a coffee ect, to make sure your fresh to actually do your job. I suppose its one of them things you just have to live with like having to travel to work if you just accept itspart of your job you won't get annoyed by it, if you think your normal pay is not sufficient to cover this 15 odd minutes then you can always leave to find new employment. The system that they have employed is probably about fair overallwithout bringing in extra systems and checks lots of people do extra work they are't paid for most more than 15 minutes a day.


Submission + - EVE Online Has been hacked

jkcity writes: "on the 19/10/2007the EVE Online servers were taken down for 10 hours after it was discovered, that someone had hacked into the CCP network and managed to gain direct entry to the eve online databses and used the access to add stuff to his account in eve online. There were many rumours during the outages as they took down all websites and only form of communication was from IRC chat channels which no one knew if was actually real or not."

Submission + - King of the World MMORPG Bans Men Playing As Women

jkcity writes: "in a bizarre move Aurora Technology the owners of the King of the World MMORPG has taken the unusual step of banning men who play women characters but the ban itself does not stretch to women playing men. If you want to play as a woman now in game you have to prove your a women via web cam. This is something that people ask for in many mmorpgs I myself have seen people say people who play women in EVE online as being some kind of degenerate but how long can a policy of verification by web cam last since its so easy to get around it doesn't seem to solve much and is an insult to many. there is a good blog about it here"

Submission + - Eve online pvp tourament

jkcity writes: "Eve online has started its 4th alliance pvp tournament which is the eve online equivalent of the World Cup . What makes this tourment great though is that you can watch it live for free and enjoy the great studios and commentators. You can also watch past matches from tournament. You don't even have to be an eve player to enjoy watching this great competition. if you have a few hours to kill you'll find watching these battles very fun. Tournament rules are here and current group standings are here."
Technology (Apple)

Submission + - Apple to market 6th gen iPod as "7th gen". ( 1

inoverthe writes: "According to a spokesman at Apple, they will be marketing the new iPod not as 6th generation (which would be the next generation of iPod) but as a "next-next" gen device, thus the 7th gen. This is considered a gimmick by many but a brilliant tactic by others. 6th-gen-ipod-goes-straight-for-7th-gen/"

Submission + - Dinosaurs fate sealed by giant asteroid collision

jkcity writes: "The BBC is reporting that a giant space asteroid collision 160 mil years ago is what sealed the dinosaur's fate. Its research done by Southwest Research Institute by a US-Czech research team. It goes on to say that it caused a double of earths impact rate over the last 160mil years and fragments of the 3km a second collision would have struck Mars, Moon and Venus. 298 Baptistina is currently the largest surviving remnant of the Baptistina family of asteroids(game)"

Submission + - Giant New Telescope To Find Earth Like Planets (

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