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Comment Re:I'd rather maintain Ruby than J2EE (Score 1) 295

The creator of Rails has expressed regret for that video, because it gives people the impression that CRUD generation is the most important feature of RoR. 99% of the J2EE work I've seen doesn't require high-performance, low latency distributed messaging engines. That's the edge case that Rails doesn't and can't handle right now. If JRuby ever progresses, it will get that. (I wonder if we could bolt a messenger framework to a Rails app, open sockets maybe?) Speaking of edge cases, Hibernate still kicks ActiveRecord's ass. For those of us who live in that 99% of projects that don't require those edge cases (or can drop down to SQL when AR doesn't hold up), there's a lot of productivity and elegance to the Rails community's projects. Have you seen Migrations? Things like that are a delight to code with. In the same vein, check out the config for URL mapping if you've ever been frustrated by web.xml. Tag libs and filters, features I appreciated when going from PHP to Java in 2001 are more straightforward in Rails. In the Java world I was already convinced that Hibernate/Spring was the way to go, and wanted to avoid EJB's as much as I could. I've worked with them, and they're f&*()g messy, barely testable, slow abominations. In Rails, I've got all the features I wanted to deal with in J2EE... so far, no regrets. But speaking of edge cases and awesomeness... have you played at all with Ruby (not Rails)? There's been a few times I've done thing in Ruby I simply couldn't have in Java, thinking "Fuck, I always wondered why it was so complicated".

Comment Memorability vs. Post-It notes (Score 1) 436

As many others have posted, the problem with 'secure' passwords is often that users will start noting them down and keeping them on their screen or in the drawers of their desk.

I have had good results with instructing 'reluctant' users to select an item in the room (or something on a picture on the wall next to the desk) as their password hint. An elderly secretary very uncomfortable with their computer and very forgetful when it came to passwords finally did well when I recommended her to use the name of a bird on a poster (in German). I think this is still a lot better than either a random password noted on a Post-It or the name of your late pet or 'secret' lover.

But, of course, this is totally insecure in a high security environment. So, eventually, we have to conclude that there is a strong relation between security requirements and user capabilities (and enthusiasm/reluctance). It is a 'social engineering' matter after all, isn't it?

Kind regards


User Journal

Journal Journal: Why I might be your friend 2

If I'm you're fan, I probably don't know you, but I read a post of yours that seemed good enough that I wanted to see your next posts.

Someone posted the idea in their sig, I thought it was a good idea although I can't remember who it was.

After 2 weeks of using this strategy, I have started noticing some patterns. My "friends" continue to post interesting comments- it wasn't just a fluke. Their friends generally post interesting comments too, thought that's more hit-and-miss.


Journal Journal: Some good posts!

I found the following post of interest: Attacking the Spammer Business Model

Finally, that meme is getting out.

Since since I find there's a huge number of trolls around here, and few insightful AND original people, I decided I would add the author of that thread to my list of friends (I can't figure out how to just list myself as a fan... friend might be a bit presumptuous).

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