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Comment Re:Stupid (Score 1) 46

Like you, I had hoped for more. Despite the summary and any visual proof, I still find the whole "bouncing off the architecture" less than exhilarating. Walking past it, I would likely have a double take and watch for maybe a few minutes.

What I had in mind was something like a crossover over of 2 different games:

* Ricochet - Breakout style game play with a better aesthetic
* Curve Ball - 3D-styled Pong

Those two ideas combined with the idea of destroying a building would be kind of cool. Now exactly sure how it would play out, but I'll leave that to the Engineers.

Comment Re:Texas Police Are Pretty Bad (Score 1) 725

The unfortunate facts are that self defense is only warranted when fleeing is unlikely. If your son retaliated when he had the ability to retreat, the self defense plea doesn't hold ground. This even goes for serious acts of violence.

You're absolutely right, the policies here suck donkey balls. It's so very much black and white, with little consideration for the middle ground, trying to understand the circumstances on a case by case basis; like the sex offender laws.

IANAL, but my suggestion, as someone who's dealt with the Texas criminal "Just Us" system, make all efforts to clear your son's criminal record as soon as possible. Otherwise, his adult life is going to be rife with obstacles and irritants.

Side note: Seriously? A fine for profane language? What the fuck?

Comment Re:Well duh! (Score 2) 46

Android user here: I can to go Settings > Location & Security and turn off "Use Wireless Networks" and "Use GPS Satellites" location settings.
Any time I use an app that requires location information, it cannot find me.
Additionally, with those settings turned off, when I take a picture and look up the EXIF Data, the GPS information is blank.

It may or may not be as secure as I think it is, but that's pretty efficient in my book.

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