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Comment Re:Heinlein too? (Score 3, Informative) 641

Actually, the GP is correct. It was something I was going to make a comment on.

In "Time Enough for Love", Heinlein's main character, Lazarus Long, diligently details the implications of twins' bedroom antics, and the potential for corrupted progeny. The suspect twins are being sold as sexual slaves and promoted as "pure" so that they are to bear children with no defects, thereby making them prime retail cattle. He buys them so as to free them from this life for which they were essentially created.

Not only that, but LL replicated himself in the form of two young girls (identical twins), and, at a point, consummates his fatherly/masturbatory/brotherly relationship with the both of them...frequently. None of this is in explicit detail, of course, but it is definitely mentioned so that there is no question of the act occurring.

Comment Re:The Hidden Danger of Post Marks on Letters (Score 1) 175

Grandfather Paradox... oh shit, THAT's why all of those pens in my life have simply vanished.

I can only assume that at some point in the future I go into detail about my missing pens, unintentionally giving out detailed info to an acquaintance; like a fact that I wasn't home at such-and-such a time, on such-and-such a date.
One of these acquaintances must, at an even later point in the future, gets their paws on a time machine and decides to be a little unscrupulous and goes back in time, attempting to rid me of my material possessions.
Somehow the magic of the Grandfather Paradox works, and thwarts their attempts at stealing the items that were never lost (money, TV's, etc.), so they manage to only pick up pens... perhaps knowing full well that this would frustrate me throughout the rest of my life.

Comment Re:Digital Driver (Score 4, Interesting) 151

I'd love if it went and got itself serviced while you're still at work.
Or heading off to the grocery store to pick up pre-ordered goods at the full-service "delivery" window (must tip the kind shop keep).
How about going home and parking itself to charge, while the other one goes and pick the kids up from school and drops them off at soccer practice.

Ah, the future. I wonder what people used to think of ~70 years ago...

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