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Comment Re:Bullying (Score 1) 183

Use Slashdot's moderation and meta moderation style system. One irate idiot cannot negatively impact the score of a post or a users reputation. Multiple people need to report the same thing for a score to hold, then the meta moderators determine if the score assigned to a post was justified or not.

I assume Microsoft won't allow a single person's review of another user to hold much weight until multiple users are reporting the same thing, Likewise, I assume that users with a good reputation down voting a bad player will have more klout than a user with a bad reputation trying to down vote another user.

Comment Re:Without her permission? (Score 1) 367

As a parent, I will never give my kids school permission to access her cell phone, email accounts, Facebook or any other online account. If they have concern about the content of a post she makes, or a message she may have sent, they can raise the concern with me and I'll deal with it accordingly. If they track her online usage while at school, fine - all organizations do it, they have to from a liability standpoint, but demanding her password? I'll raise hell.

Comment No, not really (Score 1) 187

Yes, they got rid of the pinkish coloured background from top ads, and removed the separator from the side bar. But the ads are still separated by a grey line, have a yellow icon in front of the ad with the word "Ad" in it, and an exclamation mark in a circle beside the ad blocks. If you can't tell they are ads, you aren't paying attention.

Comment Other Legit Reasons (Score 1) 417

Our company has three root certificates installed, and I can't find a single MITM on any domains.

There are other legit reasons for issuing internal root certs, such as accessing secure internal resources, like intranets, email, domain authentication, attendance/payroll systems, etc.

Try going to a secure site, like facebook, and check to see if the cert was hijacked, then you know for sure.

Comment Seem Negligible (Score 0) 155

Seems like a negligible improvement. I mean really. With hard drive space plentiful, and bandwidth faster than most users can use at any given moment, saving 20-60Kb on a 1Mb file is like a fart in the wind, even for mobile users.

I'm with the AC in the first post, I use PNG for 90% of my images, since it supports transparency. The file may be slightly bigger, but who cares.

Comment customer service portal (Score 5, Interesting) 236

Years ago I worked for one of the two big American cable companies currently merging. I identified a security flaw in the public facing side of their customer service portal, essentially giving access to all the config files, which contained admin credentials in plain text. I proposed simple solutions, like not allowing directory listings of folders, among others.

They shrugged it off, and to the best of my knowledge, last year the vulnerability was still accesaible

Comment Great in Theory (Score 3, Interesting) 324

The app is great in theory, but horrible in implementation. I checked out the App Ops functionality and if you don't know what you are doing you can cripple your phone. The problem is it allows you to change the functionality of system apps and core services by denying them access to the device *oops*.

I definitely think this is a needed feature, but it needs to be implemented at installation of apps from the play store. When an app says "We'll need the following permissions" the user should be able to toggle off each one they dont want the app having access to, then use the traditional permissions manager to modify it in the future.. From the App Ops, I learned that Angry Birds accesses your location when you run it. For what user-supporting function? None... There is no reason why it needs access to my location. My Grocery Store locator? That needs access to my location, but not my contacts.

Comment End of Life for XP in General (Score 2) 257

As of April 8th, 2014, Microsoft is ending all support for their 12 year old operating system. We can't continue to support legacy systems because people refuse to upgrade. There has been THREE full OS versions that have come out since XP. There are people still using Windows 98 and Windows ME, doesn't mean we still provide support for them.

Comment Network Layer Encryption (Score 2) 216

I've never understood why encryption isn't already built in to everything we do in modern technology. As far as I am concerned the network card in your computer should generic a one-time public/private key pair for EACH connection it is making or receiving. The public key is transmitted to the other network device which uses it to encrypt the data to get sent back. Once a connection is closed the keys, salts, and other information is destroyed.

It would take a little extra computation on the hardware to make it happen, but the storage requirements for keeping the keys is minimal since each key would, in theory on exist for a few minutes before a connection is closed, and in the case of web traffic, a few seconds.

We could do a way with all sorts of things, like OS level encryption if it was built in by default - or keep it, and add a 2nd level of complexity to the data.

Comment Correlation vs Causation? (Score 1) 863

Two things.

One, Correlation vs Causation? Another article I recently read stated that PC sales, as a whole are down. Why? Because computers built in the last 5 years are plenty powerful for most home users. My 4+ year old, quad core i7 with 8Gb of RAM and 2TB of disk space is alive and well, and fully capable of doing everything I could ever want it to do. Not to mention tablets hitting mainstream (

Because of this, I have no need to build a new system, and no need to buy a new OS. OS sales are largely dependent on OEM sales.

Two, every 2nd Windows OS sucks... That is how it has always been. It seems Microsoft does something different and it takes two generations before people accept it.
-Windows 3.1, Awesome
-Windows 95 - Blah
-Windows 98 - Awesome (Compared to the previous two)
-Windows ME - Set it on fire!
-Windows XP - Awesome
-Windows Vista - Blah
-Windows 7 - Awesome (When compared to every other version)
-Windows 8 - WTF?
-Windows ??? - Profit?

Windows is far from dead. Microsoft tried something new, like they did with the Ribbon in Office for Office 2007 - people HATED it. Now, I couldn't imagine using Office without the Ribbon. People hate change.

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