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Journal Journal: So you came here looking for a journal?

So sorry to disappoint (if that is the case), but I don't keep one. I don't consider myself to be a writer in the sense steroetypically attributed to the ubiquitous average blogger. I don't have the need to emote via writing, to read my own words on a daily basis, to record the odd epiphany, or what have you.

I read Slashdot because I want to stay informed, and this is as good a source for that as any, and better than a lot of others available on the 'Net. Being a computer programmer and systems admin, I have an appreciation of the perspective from which information is presented here. I have, on occasion, submitted a story I thought relavent to the Slashdot community. I will occasionally post a comment because I think I have something to add to the discussion. That's all.

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"Kill the Wabbit, Kill the Wabbit, Kill the Wabbit!" -- Looney Tunes, "What's Opera Doc?" (1957, Chuck Jones)
