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OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide Screenshot-sm 48

Martin Ecker writes "Mobile phones and other embedded devices are getting more and more powerful each year. The availability of dedicated hardware for 3D rendering is becoming increasingly ubiquitous, and the latest mobile phones come with 3D hardware acceleration that rivals the power of desktop graphics hardware. OpenGL ES 2.0 is the latest version of a cross-platform, low-level graphics API to utilize these new resources available in embedded devices. The OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide published by Addison-Wesley Publishing aims to help the reader make use of the full power of OpenGL ES 2.0 to create interesting 3D applications." Keep reading for the rest of Martin's review.

Submission + - Lorenz attactors meet povray

Agent Provocateur writes: "The American Mathematical Society has an article on "A tangled tale linking lattices, knots, templates, and strange attractors . . ." showing the equations and results of visualising knots and other Lorenz attractors using povray to produce images and QT movies."

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