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First Person Shooters (Games)

Infinity Ward Fights Against Modern Warfare 2 Cheaters 203

Faithbleed writes "IW's Robert Bowling reports on his twitter account that Infinity Ward is giving 2,500 Modern Warfare 2 cheaters the boot. The news comes as the war between IW and MW2's fans rages over the decision to go with IWnet hosting instead of dedicated servers. Unhappy players were quick to come up with hacks that would allow their own servers and various other changes." Despite the dedicated-server complaints, Modern Warfare 2 has sold ridiculously well.

Comment Re:Choice is Good (Score 1) 530

They're not presenting a fair set of choices. You can get OLPCs with a very locked down and quirky interface that has only a handful of applications available and presents many barriers to developers (Sugar) or you can get it with a traditional interface and access to an existing pool of software (Windows.) For some reason providing a cleaned up GNOME or KDE interface isn't being presented as an option.

OLPC can hardly blame the Linux community for the fact that the Sugar UI/API and the Journal were mistakes.

China - We Don't Censor the Internet 554

kaufmanmoore writes "A Chinese government official at a United Nations summit in Athens on internet governance has claimed that no Net censorship exists at all in China. The article includes an exchange by a Chinese government official and a BBC reporter over the blocking of the BBC in China." From the article: "I don't think we should be using different standards to judge China. In China, we don't have software blocking Internet sites. Sometimes we have trouble accessing them. But that's a different problem. I know that some colleagues listen to the BBC in their offices from the Webcast. And I've heard people say that the BBC is not available in China or that it's blocked. I'm sure I don't know why people say this kind of thing. We do not have restrictions at all."
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