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Comment announcing goatsecret (Score 4, Funny) 127

There have been too many problems with existing crypto code so I've developed something better: goatsecret. Instead of relying on math, it relies on a frenchman's gaping asshole. Basically, the software breaks your message/file/whatever into small chunks and superimposes the data in the goatsecret image. Sure, it's not encrypted, but who is going to stare into the void just to get your data? No hacker/cracker/big business/three-letter-agency is that desperate.

Comment Re:I think it would be funny as heck if.... (Score 2) 126

ehh, I tried using perl for a small "modern" (REST) backend, gave up and used ruby/sinatra/mod_passenger because it worked. Perl? Dancer looked nice but there are too many dependencies. CGI is hopelessly obselete (does /. still run on it?). I implemented my own microwebframework on top of CGI (a hundred lines or so to do routing) before I discovered passenger and switched to that.

I'd take perl over node anytime but I'm not impressed by CPAN (it's better than npm, if you want some faint praise) and a lot of the code and culture is stuck in the 80s/90s.

Comment not this shit again! (Score 1) 173

Do you know why IE used a different DOM event model than everyone else? (attachEvent vs addEventListener, etc.) It's because they implemented an early draft and then never went back and updated it. Why should they? Their customers are locked in!

Well, HTTP 2.0 is DOM Events 2.0! IE and IIS will support HTTP 2.0 while the rest of the world scraps it (it's a turd in need of flushing) to work on HTTP 3.0.

Comment Re:Frosty (Score 0, Flamebait) 483

Like John F. Kennedy Jr? Fact: he was killed by a drone strike after George Bush secretly approved his targeted murder. Of course you won't hear about it because it was secret and there was no trial. Follow the power - John John was planning on running for the Senate in New York (after Daniel Moynihan retired). After he died, Hillary Clinton was elected instead. Of course, it turns out they fucked themselves over. Hillary was supposed to be elected President in 2008 but that obviously didn't happen. If Hillary had waited and run for Senate in Illinois (the backup plan), there wouldn't have been a Senator Obama and she would have been elected President in 2008.

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