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Comment Re:link? (Score 1) 94

I think trollaxor has the full story on his site. the short version is, Bendover.net (or maybe it was VA Lunix?) were going to have a contest and gave away the /. PT Cruiser. There was an incident at the geek compound, the car was impounded, the contest was canceled. For a while, anyone posted about it was hit with bitchslap.pl.

Comment Re:Who Cares? (Score -1, Flamebait) 476

You being a retard isn't newsworthy. Tesla (and battery powered cars in general) being fundamentally broken in cold weather... well, that's not really newsworthy either. Last year tesla tried to blame the new york times for their car being shit once it gets cold.

Anyhow, you need to step up your game if you want to make the papers. I mean, you're competing with Justin Beiber being a retard. Maybe if you drop trou at a red light and drop a steamer in the street.

Comment This is a dumb idea (Score 1) 543

For multiple reasons. But consider this:

Remember melamine? Somebody discovered that you can water down your milk, add some melamine, and profit. So melamine milk goes in baby formula and dog food.

Let's say you have a dog or a baby. You buy a bag of dog food/baby formula, and that's all they eat for a month or two, until you run out and buy the next bag. And if it's got melamine, now you have a dead dog. Or a dead baby.

Variety is the spice of life, folks. If you eat nothing but soylent, you will die. I can't live with that.

Comment Re:LOL ... (Score 1) 221

Heh, anybody else remember zonk? That was fucking awesome how, in the middle of a game review, he'd throw in a paragraph about eating pussy or fingering a hooker's asshole. Don't get me wrong -- he posted complete shit. But once in a while, there was a nugget of gold in there.

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