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Comment Re:In a word, 'yes' (Score 1) 223

Correct. I meant to suggest that by forking the project Sun would be doing a disservice to themselves and to the community, but the community would likely continue on their own version and Sun would have simply wasted their time and money.

I did not mean that the community deserves more than they're getting right now, merely that they are "owed" what they have and to try to deny that would be biting the hand that feeds.

Comment Re:In a word, 'yes' (Score 3, Insightful) 223

I referred to MySQL as Sun/MySQL because the company by the same name as the project is now owned by Sun. As such, I'm really accusing Sun of failing the community.

It's näive to think that Sun would have purchased MySQL if it weren't for its community base of users and developers and indeed, MySQL would not have been much of anything without said same user and developer base. So to suggest that "the community" is owed nothing for their efforts (developing, testing, debugging, suggesting improvements, etc) is also näive.

MySQL is as popular as it is because of its environment as well as its code base. If you take away either component it will fail, and Sun doesn't seem to get that by taking away the community participation it's killing the project/product it just bought.

Comment In a word, 'yes' (Score 4, Interesting) 223

Sun/MySQL can and should be blamed if they are failing the community that made MySQL so popular and strong.

Sun has a bad reputation for having very closed open source projects such as OpenOffice. The project is managed much more like a proprietary venture than an open source project and community input is minimized or ignored altogether.

I can't feel sorry for Sun when they drop buku bucks on MySQL and then complain that others are taking their revenue away from them doing what the OSS community does best - improve the software on their own.

Comment Re:640k (Score 1) 596

I've got about 500 DVDs that I'm ripping to HDD without compression (but only ripping the title track and main audio track at the highest quality - DD 5.1 or DTS) and I'm using OpenFiler as a centralized NAS. Presently I've got a RAID 5 array of 250GB drives (about 500GB usable space) and a RAID 1 array of 1TB drives backed up on a 500GB drive and a 1TB drive respectively (stored externally in a somewhat climate-controlled area).

I estimate that I will need another 3-4 TB of storage just for my movies, not to mention my music and photo collection.

I imagine in the next 10 years media centers (such as the PS 3, WMC, and MythTV) will become much more prominent and storage demands will increase dramatically. All this is without considering the impact of HD.

So I can easily see 1PB being necessary within 10 years if not more.


New Book Cuts Through Violent Video Game Myths 213

Terry Bosky suggests a recent interview from Game Couch with one of the authors of an upcoming book which fights the "myths and hysteria" surrounding violent video games. Dr. Cheryl K. Olson explains how many of the studies linking aggression with video games were flawed or misguided, and she discusses some of her own findings. Quoting: "Until now, the most-publicized studies came from a small group of experimental psychologists, studying college students playing nonviolent or violent games for 15 minutes. It's debatable whether those studies are relevant to real children, playing self-selected games for their own reasons (not for cash or extra credit!), in social settings, over many years. But media reports and political rhetoric often ignore that distinction. Also, the most-published researchers have built their careers around media violence. Their studies were designed under the assumption that violent video games are harmful, which dictated the questions they asked and how they framed their results. Media violence is just a small part of what we do, so we could look at the issue with fresh eyes and no agenda."

Submission + - Virtualization in Linux: A Review of Four Software (

Nemilar writes: "This week Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu Linux, announced a partnership with Parallels, maker of the Virtualization products Parallels Workstation and Parallels Desktop for Mac. This makes four different virtualization programs that run on Linux, three of which are available via the Ubuntu repositories. This article compares four virtualization products available for Linux: the free, open source x86 emulator Qemu; the closed-but-free versions of VirtualBox and VMware-Server, and the commercial Parallels Workstation."
Linux Business

Submission + - What are your Linux Deal-Breakers?

soundman writes: I've been a dedicated Ubuntu and Fedora user for the past 3 years. Recently, I've setup a surround sound system but found that even after hours of configuring ALSA, I still couldn't get it to work properly. Rebooting into Windows, it took under a minute to set it up with the vendor supplied GUI tool that came with my motherboard drivers. What are your Linux deal-breakers?
The Courts

Submission + - RIAA's attack on NewYorkCountryLawyer fails (

NewYorkCountryLawyer writes: " reports that the RIAA has egg on its face. When the Electronic Frontier Foundation requested permission to file an amicus curiae brief on behalf of Boston University students challenging the RIAA's ex parte discovery order, the RIAA lawyers attacked the blog "Recording Industry vs. The People" for its criticism of the RIAA as seeking to "abuse the American judicial system, distort copyright law, and frighten ordinary working people and their children" and then falsely claimed that the blog's author is an EFF attorney, this despite the fact that they know that the blog's author (known on Slashdot as NewYorkCountryLawyer) is a partner in a New York law firm and is not an EFF attorney. Judge Gertner apparently wasn't impressed, and granted the EFF's motion, rejecting the RIAA's objections, since she felt amici curiae might "shed light" on the "copyright law" and "computer technology" issues before her."

Submission + - SPAM: A 3G Linux phone for sub $US100

WirePosted writes: "NXP Semiconductors and Purple Labs have introduced a reference design for 3G Linux phone offering video telephony, music playback, high-speed Internet browsing and video streaming that they say will cost operators less than $US100."
Link to Original Source
The Courts

Submission + - RIAA's war against college students in a nutshell (

NewYorkCountryLawyer writes: " has put together a fascinating retrospective on the RIAA's war against college students, commenced February 28, 2007, describing the campaign as one to "force 'consumers' to buy what they're told to buy — corporate 'content,' as the Big 4 call their formulaic outpourings." In a scathing indictment not only of the major record labels but of those schools, administrators, and educators who have yet to take a stand against it, Jon Newton reviews a number of landmark moments in the 11-month old "reign of terror", including the announcement of the bizarre "early settlement" sale, the sudden withdrawal of a case in which a 17 year old Texas high school student had been subpoenaed while in class during school hours to attend a deposition the very next day during his taking of a standardized test, the call by Harvard law professors for the university to fight back when and if attacked, and the differing reactions by other schools."
Hardware Hacking

Hacking Asus EEE 150

An anonymous reader writes "Torsten Lyngaas has published a set of instructions with photographs on his personal wiki that describe the steps he took to install $450 worth of extra hardware, including a GPS receiver, an FM transmitter, Bluetooth, extra USB ports, 802.11n, and an extra 4GB flash storage drive."

U2's Manager Calls For Mandatory Disconnects For Music Downloaders 658

sleeplesseye writes "In a speech at the Midem music industry convention in Cannes, Paul McGuinness, longtime manager of the band U2, has called on Internet service providers to immediately introduce mandatory French-style service disconnections to end music downloading, and has urged governments to force ISPs to adopt such policies. McGuinness criticized Radiohead's 'In Rainbows' pay-what-you-want business model, saying that 'the majority of downloads were through illegal P2P download services like BitTorrent and LimeWire'. He also accused ISPs, telcos, device makers, and numerous specifically named companies such as Apple, Google, Yahoo!, Oracle, and Facebook of building 'multi billion dollar industries on the back of our content without paying for it', and of being 'makers of burglary kits' who have made 'a thieves' charter' to steal money from the music industry. The full text of his speech has been posted on U2's website."
The Military

World's Most Powerful Rail Gun Delivered to US Navy 615

An anonymous reader writes "The world's most powerful functional rail gun capable of accelerating projectiles up to Mach 8 has been delivered to the Navy. The new rail gun is a 32-megajoule Electro-Magnetic Laboratory Rail Gun. The Navy eventually hopes to have 64-megajoule ship mounted rail guns. 'The lab version doesn't look particularly menacing -- more like a long, belt-fed airport screening device than like a futuristic cannon -- but the system will fire rounds at up to Mach 8, drawing on tremendous amounts of electricity to generate the current for each test shot. That, of course, is the problem with rail guns: Like lasers, they're out of step with modern-day generators and capacitors. Eight and 9-megajoule rail guns have been fired before, but providing 3 million amps of power per shot has been a limitation.'"

Military Robots to Gain Advanced Sight 71

coondoggie brings us a NetworkWorld report discussing iRobot's plans to include Laser Radar technology in their military robots. Quoting: "Specifically the robot-maker is licensing Advanced Scientific Concepts' 3-D flash Ladar which uses laser beams to scan and process targets. The system has the ability to create a virtual 3D picture of an entire area. IRobot ... believes the technology will provide new navigation and mapping capabilities for future generations of robots and unmanned ground vehicles and pave the way for autonomous vehicles to lead convoys into dangerous territory, search contaminated buildings for casualties, or enable bomb squads to safely investigate suspicious objects."

Web Hosting For Privacy Activists? 285

BritishColumbian writes "I'm thinking about setting up a Web site driven by user submissions. I was wondering which locations have the most liberal (i.e., libertarian) privacy laws. There are some great hosts in the US, however there have been so many FBI requests for user data that I don't want a server hosted under US jurisdiction. Does anyone have any thoughts/suggestions as to a suitable jurisdiction? It doesn't look like Sealand's HavenCo is guaranteed to be privacy-friendly any more."

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