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Submission + - OSS can benefit from branding (

athloi writes: "If FOSS/OSS is to compete with mainstream corporate software, we must do what they do better. One way to do this is to look at a top-down management strategy called branding, in which the performance and appearance of the software are united with a marketing outlook that portrays it as unique. "

Submission + - Green I.T.

WeirdMike writes: "Green IT: How Important Is It to You?
Lots of talk lately about "Green IT" — attention to energy-efficiency and, to some degree, other sustainability issues related to IT implementations in the enterprise. How Green IT aware is your business?

1. We've been thinking about Green IT for years
2. Just starting to look at it
3. It's on the to-do list...we'll get to it later this year
4. Not on the radar
5. I think there's some of that growing in my coffee mug"

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