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Comment who still writes assembly? (Score 1) 577

Remember when you have to code your own apps or type one out? or even punch cards or switches The dumbing down of user interface's natural progression is the lockeddown user-centric apps of iOS Just as loading programs from floppy or cd-roms seems quaint now, finding, downloading and running apps from outsidethe walled garden will soon be too. Sure you might be ableto do more by writng/loading your own apps,the convenience will win out Hopefully there'll still be linux for tinkerers

Comment the issue is not locking down (Score 1) 827

even if Apple never locks down the mac, the mere presence of the App store will force developers to get on the store, after all how can you compete with that much exposure and convenience? Joining the app store is survival, then it's more power to Apple, which is not a good thing.

Comment Books Vs CDs (Score 1) 350

Most of the songs in my iPods are ripped from CDs I bought, it took significant time to rip my whole collection of CDs, but it is doable, the same can't be said for scanning my books collection already purchased, some I could easily find a torrent, but many aren't available on any store. With right now, there's just not that many source for e-books, legal and otherwise.

Comment Re:I'm sorry, but you are wrong. (Score 1) 964

I think the key word here is prejudice, even I too get a lot of prejudiced treatment for just being not white although I live in my own country White tourists would say "Oh you spoke good English!" and I have to hold back not to retort with something condescending. Most of it is in good -intention, but yeah, it gets tiring I don't know what would be worse, people getting PC'ed up and can't speak their mind or people being ignorant

Robot Invented To Crawl Through Veins 99

Slatterz writes "Scientists from Israel's Technion University have unveiled a tiny robot, made using Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) technology, purportedly able to crawl through a person's veins in order to diagnose and potentially treat artery blockage and cancer. The little robot — with a diameter of just one millimeter — has neither engine nor onboard controls, instead being propelled forward by a magnetic field wielded on it from outside the patient's body."

Comment Reverse Precedents (Score 1) 296

What's stopping EFF or other entities like this 'country lawyer' to find somebody infringing on someone who's willing to participate and try taking this case to court and see how much damages the court awards. or even better, set up the exact circumstance as per the case, but use different music, ie performed by artists who support the cause. Are there any law stopping people defendant/plaintiff conspiring to go to court to make precedents?

Comment Re:Apple cannot block and it's not illegal (Score 1) 338

That would cost too much in processor time just to encode/DRM the file that's going to the iPod, but it's possible in the future since you're not supposed to be able to copy things of iPod anyway. But still, there's nothing stopping people from dragging the non-DRMed files to something that's connected as USB masss storage

Submission + - Palm Pre 'iTunes hack' detailed by DVD Jon (

CNETNate writes: "As the reviews of the Palm Pre start to roll in, DVD Jon expands on previous coverage of the Pre showing up in iTunes as some sort of an iPod, by publishing the offending code Palm has used to enabled the feature. As suspected, in regular USB mode, the phone addresses itself as a standard peripheral. But in 'Media Sync' mode, it claims to be an iPod... from a vendor known as Apple."
The Courts

Submission + - SPAM: Sears gets wrist slap over spyware activities

coondoggie writes: "Sears today agreed to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that it failed to disclose the depth of consumers' personal information it collected via a downloadable software application. The settlement calls for Sears to stop collecting data from the consumers who downloaded the software and to destroy all data it had previously collected. If Sears advertises or disseminates any tracking software in the future, it must clearly and prominently disclose the types of data the software will monitor, record, or transmit, the FTC stated. Sears must also disclose whether any of the data will be used by a third party, the FTC said. [spam URL stripped]"
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