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Comment Re:It's the tools stupid (Score 1) 500

You had me at computer types making the kind of buggy crap and lost me at HATE flash and anything I can't name off the top of my head can go STRAIGHT to hell.

Do you hate flash and similar technologies that much? I guess that means you hate all the web video you get to watch for free daily? You must also hate google analytics and google street view? Do you hate that many sites allow you to embed their flash applications into your site?

The point is, Flash has it's place and can play nicely with HTML websites.

It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - Have Pictures of French Fries? You're a Terrorist!

Complain Here writes: "What would've been an innocent story about how someone's nephews loved the Bridgeport-Port Jefferson Ferry's "Ferry Fries" turned bizarre when the ship's crew threatened a passenger with arrest for taking pictures of their food. Frederick A. Hall, vice president and general manager of the ferry company was unrepentant, however, and said that the threat of arrest over three pictures showing children with fries and the food counter was justified because "there have been past incidents where possible acts of terrorism have been threatened." Clearly, this can only mean that terrorists are working on Weapons of Fat Destruction, which pose a grave threat to the American Way."
Sun Microsystems

Submission + - Sun pledges patents to defend Linux

netdur writes: From TFA

In a surprise move this week Sun Microsystems CEO, Jonathan Schwartz, said the company was ready to use the company's extensive patent portfolio to help defend Red Hat and Ubuntu Linux against Microsoft's patent threat.
Thank you Sun
Linux Business

Submission + - Dell PCs with Ubuntu are Less Expensive

Chandon Seldon writes: "Contrary to many earlier expectations, it turns out that Dell's prices for its Ubuntu PCs are cheaper than similar Windows Vista PCs for all three Models. With the savings for skipping the Microsoft Tax ranging from $50 to $140, it looks like kickbacks for pre-installed software weren't that big a deal after all."

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One possible reason that things aren't going according to plan is that there never was a plan in the first place.
