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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 4 declined, 1 accepted (5 total, 20.00% accepted)


Submission + - Bot on Bot Action

Dausha writes: The Tech Web news site reports a story about Botnet turf wars. Botnets have been around for a while, and are increasing in severity. The latest innovation finds Bots capturing and securing host computers from other bots. Security includes installing software patches, shutting down ports, etc.

Submission + - All Hot and Bothered about Cosmic Radiation . . .

Dausha writes: "As if not enough has been said about global warming, yet another scientist (tm)suggests cosmic radiation is a greater contributer to global warming that human production of CO2. The news article is of interest because it reminds us of how science is rarely 100%, and anything less is subject to a better theory. A related article underscores solar output is at its highest in 1000 years, seemingly supporting those who believe that the Sun is a greater contributer."

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