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Comment Flame Bait Title (Score 1) 520

I am seeing this story getting traction all over the place using similar rhetoric. What the FDA proposed was removing artificial trans fats from the "generally recognized as safe" category. Which seems reasonable since it is not generally recognized as safe any longer. This isn't some kind of government over reach this is simply using new science to update the classification of a food additive which is really nothing new.

Comment Re:Too bad he wasn't fired ..... (Score 1) 377

While I agree with you about excessive control in some IT departments I have to say your example is not the best. Casino security is well known to be extreme. Your boss should not be surprised in the least that there was this level of security. Honestly it would be surprising to me if there were not screen captures of the entire session that the user was logged in as administrator just to keep the Security Officer happy. Anyone who works in a casino that doesn't have to strip down to their underwear at the beginning and end of every shift is lucky.

Comment State dependant learning (Score 1) 823

Just train yourself to act in a traditional nerd fashion during the work day and model your behavior after those around you in non nerd settings when away from work. This seems obvious but the key to making this work as second nature for you is to consume reasonable quantities of caffeine during the work portion of the day and consume reasonable amounts of alcohol during social outings. In no time you will have your brain trained to act like a self righteous jerk at work and the life of the party when you are out. I have always assumed that was why schools tried to push students to have enough going on that it would be difficult to get adequate sleep while at the same time never completely cutting off access to alcohol at parties.

Comment Re:the plutocracy sucks (Score 1) 765

I agree with you on the watering down of the term fascism, but I disagree with your assessment on terrorism. With the current fringe elements having such a strong position in the current political scene what is really blatant terrorism can't be called terrorism because it was done by a brave American patriot. In a world where there can be a televised debate whether shooting a standing congressman was terrorism or patriotism how could anything short of destroying a populated building really be a terrorist act.

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