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Comment Re:the more things change... (Score 1) 130

I am from a European country, and I can assure you that there was a thriving clone market - you could get any at a much more affordable price basically everywhere. These were probably under the radar for Apple - or maybe they prosecuted only American-based makers/resellers because they couldn't afford international cases, but the fact is that, even if this was surely not part of Apple's plan - Apple ][ had a larger share of the market than what you would expect by just comparing "official" Apple numbers to Tandy or Commodore.


Comment Re:the more things change... (Score 3, Informative) 130

You apparently forgot the fact that Apple published schematics and was built with "off-the-shelf" components, and this soon resulted in a massive "clones" market, offering good if not perfect compatibility (the ROMs were easy to copy, too) at vastly reduced prices.


Comment I think I have a better idea... (Score 2) 313

The suggestion in the original article is (IMHO) completely and utterly wrong, for a mix of reasons explained in other comments.

So let me offer an alternative: instead of learning a smattering of markup language and how to copy JS fragments and trying to modify these for you purpose... learn the basics of being a competent SW TESTER instead.

So when you get a good idea for an app, before looking for a non-asshole programmer, draft a test plan. The more detailed, the better (because tests may also serve as specifications, as TDD teaches us).

When it's done you will have a better idea of the "technical complexity" of your idea, and you don't have to learn any specific programming language for it.

Comment Red Plenty (Score 1) 278

See the website to get an idea if this can be of interest to you...

And here is my own review (from anobii):

I love the smell of simplex in the morning...

Red Plenty is pretty difficult to categorize. As the author explains, this is about history, but at the same time most of the characters are either fictional, or are shown thinking and saying things that, while plausible and based on actual historical recordings, have been made up by the author.

And even most importantly, the various characters, some recurring, some briefly sketched never to return in the narrative, are just different ways to talk about the real "hero" of the story. Except that this hero is not character, either real or fictional. The main character, you see, is an Idea.

The idea that by using maths (especially Linear Programming) first, and applying computers later, you can run a centralized, planned economy and make it grow at amazing rate till it takes you, and all your citizens, to a sort of materialistic utopia.

Of course, we all know that history took a different turn, but up to the 80s the Soviet government really tried, and (for an admittedly shorter time) believed that this was possible, and that the "red plenty" of the title would really benefit the whole Soviet Union, and show the USA that Capitalism was inherently less efficient.
We see the whole dream unfold (and sadly turn into a nightmare) through the eyes of low-level citizen, Party members, scientists, criminals.

I am amazed by the technical tour de force that this book represents: it explains very complex (and probably dull and boring) events and theories in a clear and entertaining way - I do have a bit of experience with the specifics regarding the math theory used in here, but I was very ignorant in terms of Marxism, Russian history, Economy, how people gets cancer and a slew of other issues... so if have been entertained (and educated) about the latter themes, I suppose I can say that Marxism experts who don't don't know much about Cantor will find the book equally entertaining, and interesting.

Please understand that the book is a gripping read even if you really don't care about any of this. I can't really think of another example of a book that entertains so much while explaining so well... but I really hope to find another two or three in the future.

Comment They *do* listen (Score 3, Informative) 218

I suppose that the original post should have included at least two things:

a) Apart from the harmless prank, Google is actually moving towards sane aliases for G+ profiles: http://www.engadget.com/2012/08/13/google-plus-custom-url/
b) For the impatients, there is a sort of "url shortener" providing the service now: http://iplus.im/

Apologies if someone else mentioned this already and I missed it in the discussion.

Comment Teamatic/Elementool/Redmine (Score 1) 221

I have used, in the past, Teamatic (http://www.teamatic.com) and http://www.elementool.com/ - their offering may have changed in the last few years so check exactly what you can do for "free".

Also: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/966404/does-anyone-know-of-a-decent-free-online-bug-tracker-for-web-development-purpose

Comment Re:Issue for me is pattern recognition. (Score 1) 204

I have a similar problem (even if it looks way milder than those described here and in the OP).

I use an iPhone app called NatureSpace (http://www.naturespace.com/) - even just the free soundtracks included in the basic version help me focus by covering human conversation (when I am trying to read during a commute, for example).

Comment Re:Christ ... (Score 2) 328

In the most recent Berlusconi trial - here in Italy - the prosecution is working not just on the actual recording of the voice conversation over cellular phones, but the case rests at least in part on the fact that a minor spent one or more nights inside Berlusconi's villa... as demonstrated by checking what cellular repeater was covering the minor's cellphone over the night.

And this had been under scrutiny for at least six months.

Comment Re:Cruise Ship + Cantenna = ?? (Score 1) 308

Yeah, right.

Cruise ships use a satellite link. Which is used both for Internet connection and cellular phones (assuming you are so rich or desperate that you don't mind the bill, which is really not cheap).

For the parent who suggests trying to "steal" a bit of bandwith from cruise ships using wifi... do you have an idea of how close you should be to the ship? (hint, hulls are made of steel... and wifi repeaters are set up in the main halls, casinos and other common areas, not outside the hull) so even if you were close enough to touch the hull with your hand I doubt you'll get much (in fact, wifi coverage is a problem even inside the ship itself).

And if you think that you can actually just "trail" a cruise ship with a sailboat you are either joking or have no idea of what you are talking about.


When PC Ports of Console Games Go Wrong 398

A post up at Gamasutra complains about the lack of effort put into the PC ports of some console games. The author picks on the unimpressively-reviewed Ninja Blade in particular: "Just as a quick guide to what we're dealing with here: when you create a new save file at the start of Ninja Blade on the PC, it warns you not to 'turn off your console.' Yes, Ninja Blade is one of those conversions: not so much converted as made to perfunctorily run on a different machine. In-game, you're asked to press A, B, X and Y in various sequences as part of Ninja Blade's extraordinary abundance of quick-time events. Whether you have an Xbox 360 pad plugged in or not, the game captions these button icons with text describing the PC equivalent controls. Only it doesn't always do that. Sometimes, you're left staring at a giant, pulsating, green letter A, and no idea what to do with it." What awful ports have you had the misfortune to experience?

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