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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 18 declined, 3 accepted (21 total, 14.29% accepted)


Submission + - What's your favorite Slashdot story tag (beta)

indros13 writes: Now that story tagging beta has been live for a while, what is your favorite tag?
  • goodluckwiththat
  • suddenoutbreakofcommonsense
  • haha
  • badsummary
  • correlationisnotcausation
  • thatsnomoon

Submission + - Women studying science, but not computer science (

indros13 writes: "Despite a significant increase in the number of women graduation from college and studying the sciences, the portion of female computer science graduates has fallen steadily since the 1980s.

percentages of female bachelor degrees earned in computer science are falling-down to 25 percent in 2004, the latest available figures, from a high of 37 percent in 1984. And all this is occurring at a time when National Science Foundation (NSF) funding to encourage women in the computer sciences — about $20 million annually — has never been higher.
Is it the Revenge of the Nerd stereotype? The prevalence of home computers? What's changed about computer science in the past twenty years to discourage more women from participating?"

United States

Submission + - Study dismisses NH vote technology concerns (

indros13 writes: "The results of the NH primary sparked vote fraud rumors and well-meaning investigations based on differences in vote tallies between hand-counted and machine-counted wards. Three academics gave the issue a full statistical analysis and find that the differing tallies had nothing to do with systematic hacking or machine bias. Instead, the un-sexy conclusion is that underlying differences in demographics explain the results."

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