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Comment Re:Invite only? (Score 4, Interesting) 284

Consider yourself fortunate that you are not on the invite list. Remember the dorks who bought the iPhone when it first came out? Remember those same dorks just a few months later when Apple dropped the price? :)

I suspect this invite only thing is just to drum up interest in the phone. Soon, everyone and his brother will be able to buy one just like Gmail.

Comment Re:It all depends on the hypothetical technologies (Score 1) 361

One example I could think of is if the ship's primary armament is a big gun running the length of the ship necessitating the entire ship be maneuvered to aim it.

One of the most influential battles of the United States Civil War arose from the battle between the Monitor and the Merrimac. The Monitor had a turret which swiveled, thus freeing the Captain to manuever the ship as he wished while allowing his crew to aim and fire at the Merrimac without interruption. The Merrimac had fixed guns which required the ship to be aligned with the target for any effective firing. I read somewhere that the Monitor fired four rounds for every single round the Merrimac got off.

The battle was a draw because the munitions of the day could not penetrate the metal hulls, but everyone realized the superiority of the turret and adopted them into new ship designs.

Comment Re:Ideal shape (Score 1) 361

I suggest you take a look at tank design from the first British tanks in World War I to the Soviet tanks used to breakout of Stalingrad.

The Soviets started the modern practice of using angles in their tanks to deflect munitions aimed at them. Boxes are easier to build, but they are also easier to score a hit against.

Comment That's the BAD economy! (Score 2, Insightful) 297

The same thing happened during the 1970s. That's how shows like Barreta and The Dukes Of Hazard stayed on the air so long.

Back then, when TV was mostly over the air and free I watched commercials. Now that I pay for TV I won't tolerate commercials. I DVR any show I watch that has commercials and watch it at a later date when I can skim through the commercials. It is a rare commercial that I watch. I stop only for those that seem interesting, i.e. have pretty chicks featured prominently! :)

Comment Re:Its justified price (Score 2, Insightful) 536

And to be honest, they $60 price isn't that much if it's a great game. You pay atleast $15+ to go the movies, probably even more if you make a night out of it. You might spend the same amount in bars too. Both of those give only a few hours of entertainment value, and to be honest aren't all that fun all the time. Good games give a lot more entertainment and fun hours.

When was the last time you got laid taking a chick to a video-game?

Value is where you find it, my friend. :)

Comment Re:Newspaper (Score 1) 517

I'm surprised you don't understand that most journalists, as most people, need someone else to tell them of something important enough to write about and inform the people. Not everyone will be on hand when an important event occurs unless you restrict it to scheduled events such as press conferences. So, it should not surprise any one that, "Professional Journalists know nothing of the news of the day, unless someone else tells them".

Freedom of the press is important, but I hope you are not willing to forego the responsibility that comes with any right. Newspapers can and do print retractions. I am not claiming that they always do so, only that when it is obvious they were wrong, they will. Unfortunately they never print the retraction with the same type-size, or on the same page(s) as the original article(s). This should have been addressed early. My hope is that this will be corrected as news drifts to electronic forms. When someone publishes something wrong, whether it causes harm to someone else or not, a retraction in the same font, size, and position as the original article(s) should be mandatory.

Also, less of the Fox News hysteria would be appreciated, but I understand that crap like that comes from allowing anyone to publish.

Comment Re:Newspaper (Score 1) 517

Of course, I'm not exactly sure why a juror should need to sign something for your iPhone but not a newspaper.

You beat me to it so I'll just add my two cents. :)

Newspapers are supposed to be written by professional journalists with professional standards. The articles those journalists write are then supposed to be edited by editors with years, if not decades, of experience. The internet, in contrast, is full of air-bags with no professional standards.

Allowing jurors to be exposed to what is written on the internet is far more likely to bias jurors than what is written in a newspaper, in theory or course.

Comment Re:Seat belts (Score 1) 832

Oh, it's a lot worse than you imagine.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture made those very modifications. Kirk got a seat-retention system that consisted of arm rests that folded down over his thighs to hold him in his seat. Really cool upgrade.

Then you notice that a lot of the people on the bridge are standing up! WTF?

I still like the movie though, and I remain a bigger Trek fan than a Star Wars fan.

Comment Re:I don't know, but... (Score 1) 494

i helped my uncle jack off a horse

In English this has a double meaning due to the word "jack".

What he probably means is: I helped my uncle Jack get off of a horse.

What most deviants, such as myself, will see is: I helped my uncle jack-off a horse. This is very funny if you know that "jack-off" is a term for masturbation. In this particular instance it means he helped his uncle by pulling on the horse's dick. :)

I don't know what you call a penis in Argentina, but here in the united states we use "cock", "dick", "wang", "johnson", and many other variations.

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