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Submission + - Affinity Propogation Slashes Computing TIme

An anonymous reader writes: Science is reporting that for enormous scientific problems involving astronomic solution spaces, a University of Toronto lab has developed an algorithm that claims to reduce computational time from 5 million years to FIVE MINUTES.

Submission + - What Working at Google Microsoft and Yahoo is Like

Anonymous Coward writes: "Tastyresearch shares stories about interning and working at Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo. He barbecues with Bill Gates at his house, dines at the Google cafeterias, gets stood up by Yahoo, and details his interviews. He notes that many Microsoft interns end up at other places he works (reading between the lines). A chart compares Microsoft, Google, and Yahoo from the perspective of monitor sizes and perks. Prospective applicants are advised to learn about sorting and linked lists."

Submission + - VistaDB 3.0 - Final release date announced!

VistaDB writes: "After 2 years of development and over 20,000 man hours, the final release date of VistaDB 3.0 has been set for Feb. 24th, 2007. Key features include truly embedded SQL database for .NET, Compact Framework and Mono, small 600KB footprint, 100% managed and verfiably typesafe architecture, developed in C#, SQL Server 2005 compatible data types and T-SQL syntax support and royalty free distribution.

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