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Comment Re:Is Media Source Extensions supported? (Score 1) 147

media.mediasource.enabled, media.mediasource.mp4.enabled, media.mediasource.webm.enabled, and media.mediasource.youtubeonly.
Everything but webm.enabled is defaulted to true in FF 37 Beta now. They were defaulted to false (except youtubeonly) in the later 36 Betas and 36 Final.

Comment Re:Is Media Source Extensions supported? (Score 2) 147

I think it was backed out, due to problems (I noticed pretty major audio sync problems myself, but it otherwise seemed to play 1080/4K/60fps videos just fine on YouTube).
You can go enable the prefs in about:config if you want to try it out. I'm pretty sure the code is all there, just turned off by default still because of bugs.

Comment Useless (Score 5, Insightful) 100

With the whole 2-year contract things, most people can basically never have their phone unlocked for international use until it's time to upgrade anyway. Locking phones should just be illegal to begin with. If you sign a contract saying you are going to pay for service for 2 years, you have to pay for that service (or pay an ETF) regardless of if your phone is locked or not.

Comment Re:So which kind of solar is it? (Score 1) 191

Yeah, but until more people start using "photovoltaic cells" and "concentrated solar power", whenever people just say "solar", it's going to be somewhat ambiguous. One of these things probably has a lot of room to be developed into something inexpensive, small, and efficient, while the other is basically a dead-end technology that is just a short-sighted a waste of money.

Comment Re:UTF-8 (Score 1) 165

UTF-16 is terrible, yes, but Windows does support it. I'm sure naive programmers create bad code by assuming UCS-2 and all characters being 2 bytes, but surrogate pairs like Emoticons U+1F600 - U+1F64F work just fine.

And by "out of luck" I was referring to possible future codepoints above U+10FFF. UTF-16 can only support up to that by using surrogate pairs. It does not have any way to represent higher codepoints, where as UTF-8 can easily be extended with 5 and 6 byte sequences.

Comment Re:Fonts missing in action (Score 1) 165

I'm pretty sure most font systems already DO do this. In fact, this was the reason I rooted my Android phone - I wanted to change the font-fallback order so that certain Kanji would display with a Japanese font instead of Chinese one. An example is which is drawn completely different in Chinese fonts, to the point where Japanese readers would not know the symbol, yet both are supposed to be represented by the same codepoint, because they're the same character.
But anyway, fonts and display aren't a character set encoding issue. It doesn't matter how you represent the glyph on disk or in memory, if your fonts are all missing a rendering for the character, you're going to just see a placeholder box no matter what.

Comment Re:UTF-8 (Score 1) 165

The official spec limits UTF-8 to 10FFFF to help it place nice with UTF-16, so no 5 or 6 byte sequence is valid anymore. There isn't any characters defined above 10FFFF yet anyway. But in the future, if those ranges are defined, it would be easy to have programs using UTF-8 utilize those characters. If you use UTF-16 like Windows, you'd be out of luck though.

Comment Re:Fonts missing in action (Score 1) 165

The font issue is a silly thing to worry about. The same thing can be said of ASCII of and Windows-1252. I'm sure lots of early fonts, and probably even some you find today, that claim to support all glyphs in Windows-1252, are missing the Euro sign at codepoint 0x80, because they added it later on. Even for a small character set restricted to 256 max characters, as you can see, things change over time, and fonts don't always keep up.

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