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New Treatment From Australia For All Cancers 217

New submitter FirephoxRising writes "A new, protein-based treatment from the University of NSW breaks down cancers by destroying their internal protein structures. The approach has been tried before but always resulted in too much damage to muscles and the heart. The new approach allows the new class of drug to attack tumors without damaging normal cells. Professor Peter Gunning said, 'Our drug causes the structure of the cancer cell to collapse — and it happens relatively quickly.'"

Comment Separated by design (Score 1) 142

In what I like to call "the real world" -ie, the place where no one has heard of commontag, Freebase, or Zemanta, and maybe not even gizmodo - the #tag is the closest you're ever going to get. People use it on twitter and instagram, and advertisers have embraced it. Do any of these giant companies want their users going to other sites? Hell no. Facebook brought back the walled garden, and open systems are going to suffer.

Now that we've realized it's unlikely to happen, would you even want it if it did? If you add an ubuntu link on pinboard, would you want to instantly see all the old ubuntu stories on slashdot? Tag a flickr picture with "hotdog" and see all the tweets about hot dogs? Or take a picture with some app that adds its own tag (#vsco or some such) and see all the other pictures taken with that app? Some of these things actually work, but why? I could see doing something like subscribing to only slashdot/bizarro or gizmodo/tv in your RSS reader, but take a look at the RSS market and no one really gives a shit about that either.

I think wide-area tagging is quasi-useless. Even in closed silos (twitter, instagram), it's a messy sea of miscategorization and gamification. If it helps out the sites search engine, great. If it helps your own organization in whatever tool, great. It may even be good in workgroups - i'm interested to see how it pans out in OS X Mavericks.

Comment Re:Watch that price, NYT (Score 1) 217

If the NYT and Fox News are covering the same story, I want to read the NYT coverage and not Fox News. I don't trust FN, and I do trust NYT (at least I trust them more).

Or read both, and make up your own mind. Everything is slanted, and slimming your intake to just a few trusted sources is dangerous on either side of the political spectrum.

Comment Re:Watch that price, NYT (Score 1) 217

A couple months ago I saw a fire near my apartment. I search the name of the street on Twitter and there were tons of tweets describing what was going on with pictures....

This is the type of scenario that social media excels at, but most people don't have white house press credentials, or correspondents in kandahar, or the patience or experience to dig through piles of legal documents. Stories like enron, what caused the financial crisis, the CIA torture memos, etc all need experienced journalists who need to be paid.

That said, your point is totally valid. Why pay for something that is now free? Personally, I'm willing to pay for the increase quality, both of journalism and UI. But my cap is probably around $8-10/mo. And I'm a fanboy.

Comment Re:Windows Phone 7 Series Video (Score 2, Insightful) 427

I totally agree. Still way to many animations and eye candy. UI designers should keep the focus on what works well and fast not what looks slick, but the slick looking designs are the ones that get picked in the meetings...

My favorite part is the "find people faster".... that's what you're selling? exactly how is that faster, or at all different from your competitors? My treo 300 could get to contacts quite quickly, and the iphone search is easy and works well - is this a still a problem?

Comment how about html/javascript for tinkering? (Score 1) 965

If someone is curious about computer tinkering these days, I feel like their first toe in the water will be with HTML/JS/AJAX rather than BASIC/ResEdit/Etc. ipad will definitely have a text editor and file sharing... and as many have said, if you REALLY want to get under the hood, they can step up to a linux box (or any other desktop OS).

besides, jquery touch looks much, MUCH more fun than 10 PRINT "VOIDSTIN RULES!" 20 GOTO 10


Comment If the scams are a Red Herring, stop them. (Score 3, Insightful) 148

So, if the revenue really comes from honestly entertained consumers trading money for an enjoyable experience, fine. Do that. Stop it with the text message scams and toolbar downloads..

But, since $9.99/mo in hidden text message charges > $1 for a tractor, it seems to me that the tractor is the red herring, in order to get you to the far more profitable malware. But Zynga can easily prove me wrong by stopping these practices....

Comment Re:"it just works my ass" (Score 0) 423

Are any of these complaints about Mac OS X itself? Seems like a lot of bitching about iphoto, mail, acrobat, and itunes. Yes, all of those bite. Use aperture/lightroom, gmail, preview, and ... well, you're stuck with itunes.

Dont like it? Enjoy your Treo 800 or Blackberry Curve.

Most software kind of sucks. I happen to think the iphone sucks the least of all the smart phones.


Submission + - Adobe Flash exploit could log keystrokes

Kenyon Lessi writes: Adobe has issued three critical security updates, one of which is designed to stop a problem in the way the Flash player interacts with browsers, which could result in users' keystrokes being transmitted to attackers. The problem affect Adobe Flash Player version, and, as well as their earlier versions running on all platforms.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Is Gary Coleman Evil?

Gary Coleman has been shilling for Cash Call lately, trying to sell people on loans with outrageous interest rates (99.25% APR for example). These are the kinds of loans that help keep poor people poor. And that brings up this question: by virtue of making a buck off of this kind of exploitation of the poor, is Gary Coleman evil?

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