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Comment Re:Eppur si muove (Score 1) 129

Not negative, complex. As in the square root of a negative number. The value 1/square_root(c^2 - v^2) would be a complex number. You would experience imaginary time. Fiction portrays this as going back in time, but the reality would no doubt be far stranger.

Or is this an extreme for which string theory or quantum gravity have a different answer?

Comment Re:Sorry (Score 1) 555

<em> and <strong> have always been a part of HTML. The idea is that you are tagging structure, not layout. Text should be emphasized, or made to look strong. <b> and <i> are layout tags, which say to use a bold font or italicized font.

<em> and <strong> are preferred since CSS 1, because best practices say you should separate presentation/layout from structure. The former should only be in CSS, while the latter are in the HTML itself.

Ars Technica Reviews Controller Keyboard 150

phaedo00 writes "Ars Technica has reviewed the AlphaGrip AG-5 handheld keyboard and mouse. From the article: 'After lots of research and five revisions, the perfectionists at AlphaGrip finally decided that they had a product worthy of marketing, and they released the long awaited AG-5. Although the AG-5 looks strange and intimidating, it is a unique and highly innovative product that deserves consideration, particularly by mobile computing enthusiasts. The AG-5 interfaces with computers via a single removable USB cable. It uses a simple chord-like keyboarding model and an integrated trackball to provide complete keyboard and mouse functionality in a unique form factor that looks a bit like a console gaming controller.'"

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