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Comment Re:yeah great idea. (Score 1) 898

Civil courts are all about money, and seeking fairness and renumeration through financial compensation. Criminal court is about enforcing the rules of society and protecting society. This is done in part through rehabilitation but also through deterrence and denunciation, and in extreme cases through physically preventing someone from committing crimes by keeping them in jail. How do you "rehabilitate" someone who really likes committing crimes, someone who maybe makes a lot of money doing it? Rehabilitation is for those who wish to change, not for those who choose a particular path because they are morally bankrupt.

Comment Re:yeah great idea. (Score 1) 898

The police don't put people in jail in America. The police investigate, its the courts who decide who does and doesn't go to jail. While I'm sure that someone is benefiting financially from having more people in jail, and I'm sure those people likely lobby the government, I fail to see what this has to do with the police. Can you please cite your source for your comment that American police *feel* everything is a crime worth jailing?

Comment Re:yeah great idea. (Score 1) 898

So they keep driving, now without a licence, and they get caught again. Now what do you take away? Jail might be overly harsh, but I see nothing wrong with a society that expects people to abide by the rules and holds accountable those who don't. And ultimately jail is the only legal and proper accountability measure that is guaranteed to work.

It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - NC man fined for using vegetable oil as fuel (newsobserver.com)

mdsolar writes: "The News and Observer reports on an Charlotte, NC driver who has been fined $1000 for not paying a fuel tax when he fills his tank with vegetable oil. Perhaps the funniest quote is this one:

"With the high cost of fuel right now, the department does recognize that a lot of people are looking for relief," said Reggie Little, assistant director of the motor fuel taxes division. "We're not here to hurt the small guy, we're just trying to make sure that the playing field is level."
since the field is so plainly tilted against Arab oil interests."

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