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Comment Story passes off propaganda as simple reporting (Score 2) 1330

Those exceptions, which authorize insurance companies to provide the coverage instead of the employers

If ever there were a case of smoke-and-mirrors, this is it. Saying that the insurer, not the company paying for the policy, is (wink, wink) paying for a benefit offered to the insured under the policy, a benefit the insurer does not simply give away to all comers, is transparently absurd. Whatever you may think about forcing companies to pay for policies that cover particular things, at least be honest about it.

Comment Re:A win for freedom (Score 3, Insightful) 1330

But an employer has no more right to say how an employee uses a benefit as they do their earned money.

Oh, really? They do it all the time. An employer's very choice to give you a particular defined benefit rather than the money they pay for it is itself saying how you can use it. Just try to get a large employer to give you the money in lieu of the benefit. Or even to buy a different kind of insurance plan than the one they dictate. Good luck with that.

Comment Re:Point Roberts (Score 1) 321

This beautifully illustrates the arbitrariness of the whole thing. It costs not a penny more for the signal to cross the political boundary. Even the old Bell system was just one US/CA network, yet they pretended that crossing that imaginary line somehow cost a great deal. It was always a Big Lie, and so is this.

Comment Insanity (Score 2) 224

The fundamental flaw in all this is that Google is not a big website full of content that they publish. Google indexes content on other websites. If someone wants to use the state to force others not to publish truthful information about them (questionable in itself), then let them go after those doing the publishing. Google is the wrong target.

Comment Accusation of Anti-Vaccine Stance (Score 1) 588

>'If you ask a parent of an autistic child if they want the measles or the autism, we will stand in line for the f--king measles.' That missing line rather changes the tone of her position considerably, writes Phil Plait and is a difficult stance to square with someone who is not anti-vaccine.

There is nothing necessarily anti-vaccine about her words here. The devil is in the details -- the relative risks of each choice for the individual child, and the risks to the population from the reduction of herd immunity resulting from an individual child's being opted out.

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