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Comment Re:Ignore the Troll (Score 1) 703


Mike Malloy is sort of the liberal answer to Glenn Beck. He uses anger and rage on his show as a sort of catharsis, and it's pretty funny when he blows up against the right (or whatever passes for right-wing nowadays)... Love it, it's a fantastic radio show, everyone interested in political podcasts should check it out.

Comment More car accidents to understand drunk driving (Score 1) 112

This is insane. Smart people already understand how malware works. This reminds me of Calvin's dad in Calvin and Hobbes saying "____ builds character" no matter what the thing is. Sometimes things are a negative and they're already fully understood that way. That's the way it is.

Bruce Schneier is right here; there is no need for a conference of malware developers.

Comment He's not in danger; we're in danger of not caring (Score 1) 632

He's fine; only conspiracy types would assume otherwise. The real question is, will Wikileaks get its message out and reach average people (not just geeks) and start changing minds and waking people up to things they haven't read about in the mainstream media or seen on Fixed News.. and if not, why not? What is it about our society that just continues to not be surprised by what Wikileaks reports, and not think about doing anything about it or trying to change the system?

Comment Re:Captain Obvious (Score 2) 541

You're absolutely right about prevention being key, and handwashing is an extremely neglected, important way to fight disease (disclaimer: of _course_ i am not any kind of doctor).

But there's nothing wrong with getting a flu shot, and it can only improve matters in the vast majority of situations. There may be circumstances where getting a shot would be unhealthy, sure.

Forcing people to get one seems like it causes other, ethical, problems, though, which I didn't mention in my post which is now modded flamebait :)

Comment Re:Sigh (Score 1) 757

Install base is definitely part of it, but don't let this guy get away with the same old argument that all software is equally vulnerable given enough copies of it. Apache is extremely popular and has never had as many problems as IIS server did in the beginning. Programmers make mistakes, sure, but there's a right and a wrong way to go about designing this stuff properly from the beginning so that exploitation is minimized, or when it does happen, other factors are in place (eg file-system-level access control, memory protection, ...) to mitigate the breadth of damage that could be caused by a successful exploit.

Comment Re:Erm (Score 1) 616

This is "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" nonsense. Making concessions to women because they have children is something society has done for a long time. Society makes a lot of concessions for people, not just women, in all kinds of situations. You sound like the kind of person that doesn't need or want those concessions, but don't mix your own hubris with self-serving arguments about feminism, starting points and meritocracy.

People should be allowed to get help when trying to achieve their personal and professional goals. That's all this is about, and in the end, we'll all benefit.

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I find you lack of faith in the forth dithturbing. - Darse ("Darth") Vader
