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Comment Re:Just block all ads and don't worry about it (Score 1) 716

Advertising isn't evil.

People telling me about cool shit I might want to buy? That's a service. And if they've figured out enough about my behavior to advertise things I'd actually be interested in rather than random shit, that's even better. Please, please, please profile me. It was creepy the first time (ok first hundred times), but I'm over that.

If you lie in an advertisement, that's evil. If you horrendously and needlessly distract from content, that's pretty lame. But if you have a cool pitch to make in the corner of a website I frequent, that's a win-win-win. I get free content. I'm not too distracted. You get my business if you've profiled me well enough and I'm in a buying mood. The website gets paid. Who loses here?

Adblock sites that allow annoying BS that gets in your way. Or better yet, stop visiting them. Let ads in where they behave civilly.

Comment Re:People do this? (Score 3, Informative) 321

I believe Cord stem cells are rather "pure" stem cells that are very undifferentiated. Making them ideal for a handful of medical procedures and unspecified future medical procedures that may be created. Generally, this nifty resource is lost right after birth (it's thrown away). So some companies have been created to store them, and provide them to you (or others if donated) in the case one of those rare procedures is required.

If I recall correctly, you're looking at $500-$1000 to get things going, and a 50-100 annual fee to maintain. This falls under the broader cateogory of stuff sold under the banner of, "You love your baby right? You'd do anything to protect it? Right? You're not a callous evil person."

Comment Re:I'm confused about the backups. (Score 5, Insightful) 458

They're never pretty and are frequently ugly, but really don't have to be all that bad.

I'm divorced (and now happily re-married!) and while painful, the divorce wasn't ugly. We hired a lawyer together to help us through the paperwork. If you're cheap, there are also forms at Staples. The lawyer was well worth it. I kept most of the furniture and cut my ex a check in return. I had stuff, she had some cash, we were both ok and clear of any alimony claims. I probably could have fought and paid a little less to my ex and a whole lot more to lawyers.

Remember that at the very least you once loved that other person. Treat eachother with some respect, and part civilly. It's strange when you're called, "a model divorcing couple" but a million times better than going to war.


Submission + - Ask Slashdot: Hand it Over For The Greater Good? 8

rsmith84 writes: I'm the Senior Systems administrator for a small trade college. When I was hired on it was strictly for L3 related tasks such as advanced server administration, Exchange design and implementation, WAN and MPLS interconnectivity, multi-site routing, yadda, yadda, yadda. They have no in-house programmers, no help desk software, and no budget to purchase one.

I'm a moderate PHP, MySQL programmer on the side and am easily capable of writing something to meet their needs but do not believe I should be a) asked to or b) required to as my job description and employment terms are not based upon this skill set. I like a challenge and since all of my goals outlined since my hire date have been met and exceeded expectations I have a lot of down time; so I wrote the application. It streamlines several critical processes, allows for a central repository of FAQ, and provides end users with access to multiple systems all in one place.

I've kept a detailed time log of my work and feel I should be remunerated for the work before just handing over the code. The entire source was developed on personal equipment off company hours.

My question is what should I do? Obviously if they are willing to pay me, either in the form of a bonus, raise, or even PTO, I will gladly hand it over. However, it's been mentioned that, if I do the project, it is all but guaranteed that I will see no compensation. The application would streamline a lot of processes and take a lot of the burden off my team, freeing them up to handle what I deem to be more challenging items on their respective punch lists and a better utilization of their time and respective skills.

I'm a firm believer in not getting "something for nothing" especially when the skills are above my pay grade.

Comment Re:Great! (Score 4, Interesting) 279

Downstream is a key component. We get rain / melt-off that is used by farmers and cities in other states as well. Water in the west is a precious thing and "ownership" of it is order dependent. Someone owns the first drop of water flowing in the river, and someone else own X gallons / time period only if there's enough left over them after the senior stakeholders are accounted for. Those rights don't care if you are upstream or downstream, but on seniority.

With the possibility of water intensive shale oil extraction, oil companies have been buying senior water rights in Colorado for some time and then leasing them back to farmers / etc. If shale oil happens seriously, and needs the water that's predicted, things could get ugly in a hurry.

Comment Re:As a fellow cognitive scientist... (Score 1) 60

I think the "distributed across the map" part is key. In beginner / intermediate play, a really key ability is to actually remember to keep building stuff while scouting or fighting. Can you throw down that building on time while also looking at your opponent's base and gleaning useful information there in an early scout? In an early skirmish, can you micro well enough to gain a minor advantage while also still building workers for the long term economy that actually matters? In the midgame, it's worse, you have building workers, troops, scouting, managing supply, map positioning, upgrades, watching the mini-map for counters/drops, etc, etc, etc all going on at the same time in different places of the map and screen.

90% of the players in the world can't really do these things consistently well because the require you to take care of a lot of background work while actively focused on the exciting stuff. That's genuinely hard and you get better at it incrementally at best.

Comment We'd hire you (Score 1) 520

As a software company that makes products for IT departments, someone who can write code and "gets" IT is an extremely interesting candidate in a range of positions (from development to solutions engineer).

Your risk is that we (or anyone else) stops believing that you can actually write code. So you'll want to stay sharp there with a pet project, contributions to open source or something along those lines.

Comment Re:Common Sense, anyone? (Score 1) 788

One should enjoy the fruits of their labor. And our taxation policies are progressive, so you never take home less money by earning more.

At the same time, those of us who are making a lot of money (I include myself) are being served extremely well by the current system and economic realities. The rich are getting richer. The poor and middle class are stagnating. It is not unreasonable to ask those who are benefitting most from the current system to pay the most to support it.

Comment Re:is driving more dangerous? (Score 1) 453

At most airports you have the option of mailing that little credit card tool with a knife in it back to yourself. But you probably got it for free at a trade show and would rather bitch about government abuses than pay 6 bucks to mail it to yourself.

Well, at least that's how I felt when the bastards took mine away.

Comment Re:Absolutely not (Score 1) 375

More specifically, they'd be insane to ever have the file. It would mean sending it to them. Much smarter and more efficient to hash the file on your computer (ignore meta-tags) and match against the tag on their server. Done. They never have the file and never look at the incriminating bits.

This is why Apple thinks they can have all your music to you quickly instead of the weeks of upload time to get it to google. Because you don't upload it. They might still be uploading meta information that would be incriminating, but they would have to go out of their way to do so.

Comment Re:Refutability (Score 1) 569

Correct, this is not a theory, like the theory of gravity.

It is an attempt to understand the steady increase in global temperatures over the years. There's plenty of refutable science at work. Researches uncover trending data of global temperatures. Other researchers could show problems in approach, or show data that disagrees.

Modelers make predictions of change over the course of years. The accuracy of their predictions speaks to the quality of the models.

Fundamentally, though we have a problem. It would be great if we had two planets. One where we toss as many greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, and another where we do everything the super enviro-crazy vegan wants us to do. Then a hundred years later, we compare temperatures. The problem is that we don't have spare planets to play with. So we have a relatively high stakes game where we work with models, and do a lot of falsify-able detailed science to help inform those models. Only in the models can we run the data for 100 or 1000 years quickly and without much consequence.

Oh, and anyone who would blame Bush for climate change is a nut job. Most of the damage done so far was done before his birth, while he was a child, or while he was a drunk and playboy. It's hard to blame him for any of that. But to argue only against the nut jobs is strawman bullshit. You're right though, czars aren't going to help. A carbon tax might (and might help balance budget or free money for other tax cuts). Helping China build cleaner coal plants might (and would be cheaper than retrofitting ours). But yeah, czars won't help much.

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