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Comment Re:I have no problem with this. (Score 1) 620

It doesn't matter how many times he does it, if he can avoid getting into an "accident" then he should be allowed to do it. Once he gets into an "accident", then that is when laws like Utah's are good. 15 year prison term for causing someone's death is probably not enough. They should have restricted driving privileges after they get out, for at least the next 10 years.


The offense is doing the action, not getting caught for it. In your terminally fucked up universe you can get away with anything till you are caught. Then totally disproportionate penalties are applied.

Pity punitive "justice" works not at all. Realistically, I agree that there is culpability here. but how does one assess this? Punitive "justice" is not justice. Revenge makes nobody better. Will it deter even one crime?

And if not, what is the point? Does it make some punitive scumbag feel better? And if so, why?

Revenge is not a useful way to determine one's criminal justice system.

I am extremely glad I live on another continent - you are not welcome to mine.

Comment Re:He's sorta right (Score 1) 703

Good news coverage is worth paying for. Unfortunately for Murdoch, with the sole exception of the Wall Street Journal, none of his holdings produce good journalism. Because with the exception of the Journal, everything covered in his TV stations or newspapers I can find in three hundred other locations on the web, in other newspapers, or on other TV stations. Because its all reworked AP stories. Good in-depth journalism died years ago, and now all we get from 99.9999999 percent of US media sources, including Murdoch's, is cookie-cutter stories.

If Murdoch really expects me to pay, then he's going to have to improve journalism at his own holdings and give me original information I can't find anywhere else. When he can do that, I'll pay (as I do for the WSJ now). Until then, not a chance in hell.

In the Eighties (About 84 AFAIR) all the journalists on the Sun went out on strike for 3 months. Nobody noticed as all the news was made up by the sub-editors as per usual. "Quality" journalism indeed!

Comment Re:Sustainable? (Score 1) 116

OK, it was 30 years ago, but I managed to get away with using quite a lot of my uncle's textbooks - he was an undergraduate in 1945 - I used quite a few of his books in 1978-9. Unfortunately, he died in 1978 so i couldn't pick his brains.

I still have some of them and they are still exactly as comprehensible as they were when I graduated. However, I'm not a chemist any more and looking at a first year chemistry paper a few years ago, the only question I could answer was the one that said: Name:

It would appear that the chemistry syllabus locally has changed quite a bit in the last 30 years. The nearly 65 year old textbooks are just as good as they ever were for refreshing my memory though.

Might make it hard to pass exams, however. This may be more due to fashion than anything else. The basics - the first year or so have not really changed since the 1920's.

Principles rarely change much. Exam questions do...

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