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Comment Re:Memory or IQ (Score 1) 306

On the contrary, Jeff Hawkins argues that memory and intelligence are very closely linked, in this TED talk. He says that intelligence is prediction, i.e. pattern recognition which needs knowledge to predict. Extending his insights, I guess we could look at the typical knowledge vs. intelligence debate as nurture (learned knowledge) and nature (innate knowledge through evolution, i.e. what we traditionally think of as intelligence).

Those memory-based qualifications aren't useless. They don't provide as detailed knowledge as a degree, so the resulting prediction system isn't as intricate. Yet I argue that they still produce intelligent behaviour, but, of course, relative to more advanced education / training.

Comment Re:Structured Stream Transport (Score 1) 230

I would be curious what the article thinks is so fundamentally wrong with the sockets paradigm.

TFA doesn't say there's anything wrong with the sockets "paradigm". It basically says that the API has performance issues with two use cases (low latency and high bandwidth) and doesn't support multi-homing very well.

Wrt multi-homing, it mostly talks about applications which I'd call mobile IP. Also, it curiously doesn't mention the ability to bind to all addresses as the current (crude) solution to multi-homing.

Comment Re:Donor Cards (Score 1) 232

An opt-out system (or presumed consent) was debated a lot here in the UK in 2008. Due to objections from various sources, our government is trying a "major publicity campaign" to boost the numbers of donors. If that's not successful, we may end up with the system anyway.

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