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Comment Hypothesis: results from firing restrictions (Score 1) 179

With all the regulations and civil litigation around termination, and articles on the psychological "harm" caused by being too honest with certain types of people (read: millennial special snowflake types), is it any wonder that companies that have to go through an act of congress to fire someone are more wary of hiring someone without a lot of verification? Consider also that since about the late '90s, when someone called you as a reference for someone, you could only say, "Yes, that person worked here on the dates specified." How else would a company hedge their bets?

Comment Y'all are acting like this is all new (Score 2) 229

HP did the exact same thing, but rather than using H1B people here in the US, they just completely outsourced everything to Foxconn, Lite-on, etc. Many of us in the PC/software industry have been training replacements since the end of the 20th century. Interestingly enough, it's the small shops where our skills are still valued. I suspect that's because small shops are still dynamic environments where the ability to think outside of the box and make qualitative judgements on a daily basis is valued, as opposed to entrenched organizations that have well-documented tools and processes that anyone with sufficient reading comprehension skills can follow step-by-step and get some work done.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled outrage.

Comment "Blunt" vs "Aggressive" (Score 3, Insightful) 323

I wonder: would the same people that advocated the "calling females 'bossy' = sexist" view use consistent logic and assert that calling males "aggressive" is code for "I'm basically unable to defend my own position, am losing the argument, and therefore must apply guile and ad hominem attacks to stand my ground?" Be honest, now.

Is how someone interprets your criticism of their work defined by how much face they stand to lose if they're wrong, regardless of whether the criticism is grounded in facts and experience?

Comment Re:Pointless study (Score 1) 216

There are two broad groups of people on this:

1) People think it's fine for the government to subsidize some industry.
2) People who think the government should not subsidize industry.

Uh, nope. As someone lumped into your purported "group 2," there is a group 3: people who think government subsidies should have accountability, transparency, and strict rules against any subsidies going to someone related to a sitting member of any of the three branches of government.

It's not that "gubmint BAD!" it's inefficient, unaccountable, untouchable, too-big-to-fail government. We all understand some good things come out of government occasionally. I wonder what would happen if we applied the same regulatory fervor to the government's cash outlays as some desire we do with private industries. Then again, who pays the fine when government gets held accountable. Oh, right. The same small businesses and private individuals that can't get millions in loans and favorable land deals because they're not related to someone in D.C.

Comment Questions (Score 1) 830

What system was in use in the US during the planning and design of the Apollo missions?

What system was in use in the US during WWII?

Need I go on?

The funny thing is that the US is already moving to support Metric units in lots of things, and we're getting better at "guesstimating" metric lengths as that happens. But apparently some people want to force the change to happen overnight rather than letting it gradually take over, like millions of people will die tomorrow if it doesn't happen. I wonder what agenda is at work here, since honest scientists/mathematicians/engineers realize that needlessly perturbing things when it's already evolving in the right direction absent critical need is counterproductive.

Comment Hmm... (Score 2, Insightful) 1094

So, they want the government to force the minimums up higher to "living wages," but they don't think everything else will just inflate along with it? Everyone's salaries go up, too! Yay! Wait, groceries and gas just went up too! BOO! Whoa, the dollar is now worth 2 pesos? QUICK, CASH IN YOUR MONIES FROM ACAPULCO! Dude, where's my retirement savings?

Comment Music discovery (Score 5, Interesting) 244

That's a good phrase. I've purchased perhaps a third of the music I own because I heard a song (or snippet of a song) in a video or just tripped across something I liked while surfing youtube. "This video has been muted due to an audio copyright claim by FuckMeI'mAnIdiot Publishing" would seem to be quite as self-defeating as normal folks claim.

Comment Re:Around the block (Score 1) 429

You know what I've learned after all these years. I may not know "what works", but I sure do know what won't.

Gosh, you just said one of the things I dislike the most about the old timers. They tried something, they failed at it, and the conclusion they bring to the table is unpossible!

To be sure, by all means yes, I want to hear about what went wrong the last time around, but one failed attempt does not prove much.

As I remind them every time, the real lesson they bring is that, if we were to do exactly what you did, back at that moment in time, we would fail... likely.

Instead I refocus the meeting on whether it really is different this time around: has technology evolved? the market place matured? are we architecting the solution differently? better team? etc. /rant

And you just made one of the rookie I'm-a-manager/architect-hear-me-roar ASSumptions that I detest as a rational individual: you put up your own strawmen any time you run across someone that sounds like that guy you disagreed with but weren't able to intelligently understand and work with to arrive at a common understanding and path forward.

We had a crotchety old bastard at my office a few years ago. People would dismiss him out of hand because he was gruff and unsympathetic to the care and feeding of the youths' fragile self-esteem; i.e. he would call a stupid idea a stupid idea. Turns out after a couple of failed efforts at a few things that he was exactly right on all counts. And the projects that he worked on that went well, went well because people trusted his knowledge enough to discuss his answers from a position of accept-then-attempt-to-disprove rather than your-presentation-sucks-we-aren't-listening-to-you-neener-neener.

So, yeah, I'll take a competent, gruff old asshole over an inexperienced and self-important noobie any day. Related: always strikes me as ironic how the Social Justice Warrior/Bleeding Heart type tends to be so dismissive of the Old Bastards in modern western societies, *in spite of the preponderance of evidence of their competency.* /smh

Comment Politically-driven science... (Score 1) 347

I see where Oreskes says politically-driven science isn't inherently bad. I wholeheartedly agree. But. People tend to make the assumption (and you know where that leads) that politically-driven science is wholesome and rewarding, whereas financially-driven science isn't.

Thing is, if either fail the tests of actual, you know, science, then they don't deserve the appellation. Such tests being reproducibility, peer review, publishing the actual data for independent analysis, etc. If you're not willing to share how the data for a test is "manipulated" or "corrected" or "adjusted," then you guessed it -- your results are going to be suspect. Especially so when you have enough examples of "government science" getting the benefit of the doubt when it affects citizens, but "independent science" having to go through government approval before anything can come from it.

Comment Re:no english heard? (Score 1) 636

I'll go ahead and name names: I used to work at cisco. I have said many times that I could walk down the hallway at any random cisco san jose building and for most of the day, not hear a single word spoken in english (in hallways or breakrooms). ...
if I go thru an interview and hear 'not a cultural match' one more time, I swear to zeus I'm going to go postal. I'm nearly at the end of my rope, here....

"Not a match for culture" from a group that has a similar cultural background to yourself is code for "We think you're an asshole."

Reading comprehension not your strong suit? Just sayin'...

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