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Comment Re:Really Stupid (Score 1) 1198

I dunno, I've deprived myself of oxygen before. Just breath in a bag for awhile. You'll go into full panic long before reaching the point of losing consciousness.

On the other hand, I've also cut the flow of blood to my brain by constricting my jugglers, and actually passed out a couple times doing it. I freaked a bunch of kids out in grade school doing it in class, actually. It's completely painless and doesn't trigger the slightest bit of panic. You can be pleasantly unconscious in 15 seconds that way. I suspect that bleeding to death is similar.

How long would it take to drain an inmate's circulatory system to the point of rapid unconsciousness? Guaranteed to kill, and no less humane than lethal injection.

Comment Re:Assisted Suicide (Score 1) 1198

I LOVE this idea. Except, I would expand it make it a no-strings-attached option for anyone charged with any felony, maybe even any misdemeanor. Change the guilty plea to, "how do you plead, guilty, not guilty, or kill me now?" And, of course, the option should be extended to anyone currently service time. Our prisons would be nearly empty within a year.

Comment Re:Doesn't matter (Score 5, Informative) 141

Somebody mod this up. This is dead right.

Google can encrypt the data all they want, right down to encrypting it when it arrives, and leaving it encrypted for its lifetime on their servers, but the NSA can just say "gimme the data AND the keys to unlock it". The keys are just data, and obviously Google has access to them, therefore so does the NSA.

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