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Comment Re:And how many SUV's carry 6 people to work? (Score 1) 509

You just want an excuse, because ONE SUV was once found to actually have a full load for a work commute, ALL SUV's should be allowed to drive with one person in congested city centers totally unfit for such large cars.

So, what exactly do you tell the people relying on that one SUV to fill that role in their lives? "Sorry, we arbitrarily think that all SUV drivers are assholes so you can't have yours either, even though you have damn good reason to."

Your argument is asinine, but your logic everyone traveling alone should have a motorcycle or scooter.

Comment Re:we have the same policy at work (Score 1) 446

If an Employer *wants* its Employees to be reading their email from cell phones and the Employee doesn't feel like using their own personal property to do so, then the Employer needs to buy the Employee a work owned device or "STFU". If the Employee doesn't want to carry around two devices then they either need to submit to their phone being wiped or "STFU" and carry around both devices.

So you want me to have to carry around a second device because some dev is too lazy to isolate the e-mail stored on my phone from everything else?

No I want you to carry a 2nd device because its THE COMPANY network, and you will not be root/admin of any device on the company network. Same reason you aren't connecting your herpes-ridden home PC to our VPN. Sorry. Those are the rules.

Comment Re:Driving shouldn't be for the public (Score 2, Insightful) 1065

a public transportation system that eliminates the personal automobile

So a public transportation system that runs on my time-table, goes to precisely where I want it to, in any weather, waits for me, allows me to carry and store several hundred pounds of stuff, is a platform for my HAM radio gear, that doesn't mind me carrying firearms or animal carcasses?

Good luck there.

Comment Re:koobface, from wikipedia: (Score 1) 35

In my working experience, while inability to safely drive a vehicle or properly operate machinery is cause enough for firing, I have YET to see anyone fired from a job due to their inability to properly is a computer. Even if using one is ESSENTIAL to their job. Even if their reckless usage causes actual damages.

I can't see how responsible computer use will get to be expected in the home user world when businesses don't even expect their employees to properly use them.

First Person Shooters (Games)

Berlin Wall 'Death Strip' Game Sparks Outrage In Germany 193

gzipped_tar writes "According to Spiegel Online, 'A new computer game where players assume the roles of border guards and shoot people trying to escape from communist East Germany has unleashed a storm of controversy in Germany. The game's creator says he wanted to teach young people about history, but he has been accused of glorifying violence. ... The name of the multi-player FPS game, 1,378 (kilometers), was inspired by the length of the border between East and West Germany. ... [Players] choose between the roles of the border guards or would-be escapees: the escapee only has one goal — to get over the wall, but the border guard has more options, and can shoot or capture the escapee. He can also swap sides and try to clamber over the border defenses himself.' By choosing to play the border guard and kill the escapee, the player would win an in-game medal from the government of East Germany. But then the guard would time-travel forward to the year 2000, where he would have to stand trial. Jens Stober, 23, designed the game as a media art student at the University of Design, Media and Arts in Karlsruhe. He said that his intention was to teach young people about German history."

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