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Comment Boarding Passes with PDF417 barcodes (Score 3, Interesting) 157

My boarding passes seem to have PDF417 barcodes on them. I've tried several but haven't found an Android app that'll read them yet. The Android app from the airline displays a QR code boarding pass, but then I can't scan it with my phone. Anyone know an Android app that'll scan it? Or a program for Mac that'll scan a QR code from the camera? No, I'm not looking to change it, but finding out if I got the PreCheck lane would be nice in advance.

Comment Re:What's the value here? (Score 1) 698

Budget reconciliation bills cannot be filibustered.

Right, but what's your point? If it's that budgets aren't being passed, they're optional and don't carry the force of law. Sure it'd be nice to agree on a blueprint for spending, but Congress is split and the appropriations bills are where the money gets spent anyway.

It can also be said that the more the majority tries to rule by a "tyranny of the majority" standard, the more the filibuster is necessary to invoke.

It sounds like you're talking about democracy and don't like being in the minority.

You brought up the credit rating hostage issue. The Republicans threatened to default on the U.S. debt. It didn't happen, but just the threat led S&P to downgrade our credit rating. And the top Republican in the Senate said publicly that "it's a hostage that's worth ransoming."

Comment Re:Different Strategies of Persuasion? (Score 1) 1142

Of course there are those who choose to believe and *do* impose on others, and they certainly deserve our disdain. Not for believing in a god, but for their actions and impositions.

Those actions and impositions are why so many atheists openly mock and disdain religion. That behavior grows out of belief in a god. Attacking the belief is like striking at the root instead of the leaf.

Comment Re:Obama versus Romney? (Score 1) 698

Actually, women do have the right to equal pay. It's the law. You seem to prefer that everyone is free to discriminate, but I think you can probably understand why most women would not want to give up their right to equal pay.

It's not a straw man, since there are many Republicans supporting so-called "personhood" measures, which would outlaw hormonal birth control. Romney and Ryan have both voiced support for that idea.

Yes, of course abortion is not just a woman's right. But to me (and to many), a few cells do not deserve the rights of a fully formed human being, with a brain, a heart and so on. If I were a woman, I'd be offended by the GOP telling me what to do with my body.

I like your signature.

Comment Re:Taxing rich people (Score 1) 698

It is more important to the DNC to punish people who are successful than it is to help the middle class.

The other side of that coin, of course, is that the Republicans are holding hostage the middle class tax cut to benefit the wealthy.

So that might seem about even at first glance. But in reality, the Democrats know that as soon as the whole thing expires they can pass a middle class tax cut and the Republicans will go along with it (or give up any pretense of actually caring about it, and suffer in the next election).

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