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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 5 declined, 1 accepted (6 total, 16.67% accepted)

Social Networks

Submission + - U.S. Marine Corps Bans Social Networking Sites

Q-Hack! writes: Citing security concerns, the United States Marine Corps has issued an order banning access to social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace and Twitter on its network for the next year. The Pentagon is now reviewing its social networking policy for the entire Department of Defense, which should be completed by the end of September, according to a report from CNN. The policy for the entire military is somewhat fragmented, as the Army ordered military bases to allow access to social media sites in May, according to Wired.

Submission + - Yahoo names new chief executive

Q-Hack! writes: Yahoo has named Silicon Valley veteran Carol Bartz as its new chief executive. Ms Bartz, 60, is a well-respected industry figure who led business software maker Autodesk for 14 years before becoming its chairman in 2006. Her appointment follows an search for a replacement for the internet portal's co-founder Jerry Yang.

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