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Comment Not a hypothetical issue. (Score 1) 555

I'm currently the senior sysadmin for several thousand Redhat/CentOS servers and everything about systemd is giving me a headache. Myself and every other person on my team dislike it to varying degrees and none of us want to use it. This is now a blocker to us upgrading from RHEL6 to RHE7. There are lots of nice new features in the updated release we want or need to use but we are refusing to upgrade. This isn't a philosophical argument. I've tested it in various scenarios and it's almost not fit for purpose and throws out countless decades of experience in the team.

Frankly I'm shocked that RedHat have steam-rollered this into version 7, they are normally a very conservative distro (a very good thing in an enterprise environment!) Though I guess I shouldn't be that surprised since the lead developer works for them. I'd be looking at other distributions but they all seem to be switching too. I'd say RedHat have lost some business but I'm not sure what options I have to switch to?

However I have noticed a marked increase in the backlash against systemd in the last few months, probably from the fact that now people are having to use it and all these discussions are definitely a good thing, if slightly too late.

Comment Re:its not a claim, its a fact of life. (Score 1) 555

What's the problem with that? Linux still has a serious weakness making itself an option for normal Desktop users. It'll never be a Windows replacement in it's current state. So replacing a simple text based boot system that sysadmin have been using for 20 years with a complex & monolithic control system that is amalgamating several tried and tested services into borg-like hive system with binary logging makes perfect sense. Just look at Microsoft with the Windows registry and how well that works.

please note, I may be using some sarcasm in this post.

Comment Re:FreeBSD network stack (Score 5, Informative) 195

As someone who has used various BSD's and Linux in large scale environments, and is a fan of both, I've configured servers with multi-10Gb interfaces and handling 100k+ requests a second I honestly can't think of any example of where Linux has been inferior. The often repeated line that FreeBSD has a better networking stack was probably true over 10 years ago with Linux 2.2 and earlier, but since then I'd say that myth is just bullcrap.

Maybe Facebook are talking about some specific IPv6 or cutting edge features like MPTCP they need on their network, but as a general statement it's utterly misleading.

Comment Simplicity (Score 1) 373

I've always considered elegant code to have a few criteria.

There is no unnecessary complexity in the code.

The code base is "clean" and consistent. That can be the file system layout, filenames, variable names and function naming. Also a non-consistent comment and white space convention is a personal irk of mine.

Where most programmers would write several hundred lines of dense code to solve a particular problem, the elegant coder will write a few simple lines instead as they really understood the problem.

Comment Re:So Full Of Win! (Score 5, Informative) 227

It's just a shame he could only make 7p/minute from it. What happened to £1/minute premium rate lines?

This isn't a new trick to me since I work for a telco that provides the infrastructure for a lot of these cold callers, I've seen it before.

The premium rate 09 lines you are talking about are separately regulated and abuse is prosecuted. However the guy missed an opportunity here. He should have actually chosen an 070 number which is allocated by Ofcom for use of Personal Numbering Services, these can cost 50p - £1 to call. But since they start 07 most people think it's just another mobile number.

Comment Expectations (Score 4, Interesting) 306

I have to ask what your expectations are and be realistic.

As an employer actively recruiting IT staff at the moment, rare in the current job market I know, and I have a choice between a recent uni-graduate and someone with 15 yrs experience who I can hire for almost the same wages because so many skilled IT staff have been laid off and need to pay their mortgage. For me the choice is obvious, I don't care about the age factor.

However I also interview many many people who think they deserve to get the same remuneration they got from their high-flying finance job and wonder why they are still jobless after two years.

Comment Re:Digital distribution and death of second hand (Score 2) 172

I used to work for GAME many many years ago in their digital division. We had the developers, network infrastructure, industry clout (at the time) and the strategy to create Steam before Steam even existed. We were incredibly motivated to do this, basically it was why we'd all been hired. We all knew digital distribution was the future.

In the end the then board decided "forget the internet, we ship boxes". The entire digital team was disbanded and moved to other departments. Just one of many, many mistakes they made but from my personal perspective a bloody huge one!

Comment Re:Why does the Indian military have the source??? (Score 1) 116

Believe it or not, most major software vendors have licenses and policies in place (e.g., Microsoft) to allow sensitive institutions (governments, defense contractors, etc) access to their source code. The primary reason is actually the opposite of what you say. Customers such as the Indian government want to be able to see what's actually in the code before they agree to buy and install it on their own systems and network.

Yes, this explanation is valid and almost certainly the main reason why this happens. But the fact that any institution can then exploit any bugs they do find is hardly something that can be ignored.

Comment Not a hack (Score 1, Informative) 268

<deep breath>Let's keep this /. related while I try to calm down from the state of induced rage I've been in from hearing the constant use of the work "Hack" in the UK media the past week when talking about using the default pin code for a mobile networks voicemail system. THAT'S NOT A %£^%£"%" HACK!!!! </deep breath>

Okay, I feel better for getting that off my chest.

Comment Re:This is getting fucking ridiculous (Score 1) 462

I remember playing the original and you pretty much nailed how I feel about it. What did these people expect? The second coming of Jesus in game form?

I was personally offended more by Crysis 2 that promised so much and then delivered nothing, screwing the user in the process. While DNF promised nothing but a juvenile story, script & gameplay and guess what, that's exactly what you get. This was never meant to be a AAA class game and I honestly laughed and had fun playing it. Frankly I feel like telling everyone to grow up and learn to just switch off their forebrains and enjoy some sick childish humor.

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