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Comment Why let facts get in the way of a good smearjob? (Score 5, Informative) 437

I'm the Boing Boing editor who posted the image that the OP claims violated the Creative Commons license.

Read the OP closely: he's not saying that it was *his* image I took -- rather, that he was affronted on behalf of the photographer.

Except that the photographer in this case is my friend and colleague Jennifer Trant, and I used the photo with her permission, and then reproduced the entire CC license so that other people would know what terms they could use it on.

So, anonymous poster: how about the next time you decide to smear someone for infringing Creative Commons in the name of defending someone's copyrights, you actually make sure that the creator hasn't authorized the use?

Submission + - Secret UK plan to appoint "Pirate Finder General"

mouthbeef writes: "A source very close to the UK Labour government just called me to leak the fact that Secretary of State Lord Mandelson is trying to sneak a revision into the Digital Economy Bill that would give him and his successors the power to create future copyright law without debate. Mandelson goes on to explain what he wants this for: so he can create private copyright militias with investigatory and enforcement powers, and so that he can create new copyright punishments as he sees fit (e.g., jail time, three strikes)."

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