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Comment Re:That's SIX advertising posts on this page alone (Score 1) 254

"If you continue to post this comment, all moderations done to this discussion will be undone! Are you sure you want to post?"

Yes. Modding your posts down isn't going to help. As others have already suggested, get help. Take your meds. Dive down a flight of stairs. Whatever it takes for you to stop ruining everyone's time.

Comment Re:And people though Huawei concerns were baseless (Score 1) 347

The American government respects money. If the NSA spying scandal costs American companies money they will make sure the government fixes the problem. If you want this spying problem fixed, find a way to ensure large American corporations lose money over it.

They will lose money if the injustices are not forgotten, so that trust in them cannot be restored.

Comment Re:And people though Huawei concerns were baseless (Score 1) 347

I am just laughing why people are getting so upset at this point in game. Your privacy and mine as well, is no more than a joke.

Silence is seen as compliance. They want us to shrug it off and forget about it and tell others to do the same. The opposition needs to be loud and withstand time. Maybe it will motivate some to do something constructive with their anger. Like donating to the EFF. Or maybe start a new company that provides open hardware and software on their routers. That would be something. Privacy like security isn't on or off. You can make it better.

Comment Re:Sure, give that a try (Score 1) 196

When the laws were created is irrelevant to the reality that protecting your privacy is made impossible in many places by government thugs.

Wearing masks in public is not a protection of your privacy: you're in *public*: everyone can see you, and what you are doing. That's part of the whole concept of a public place. No, wearing masks preserves *anonymity*, which is different from privacy. As is, you have and should have limited rights to privacy in public (can't force people not to look at you, for example). You have no right whatsoever to anonymity in public.

You are absolutely correct. There is no way to force people not to look at you in public. But, that doesn't make you less of an asshole for constantly doing so against the wishes of other people. Dammit, this argument is weak, weak, weak!!!

Comment Re:Nitrogen? (Score 1) 1198

I find it hard to believe that no one has looked into execution using Nitrogen. Something akin to an old style dive helmet with a hose near the top to feed in gas. When the time comes, switch the flow over from air to pure nitrogen. Simple, cheap, painless and there is a limitless supply of Nitrogen.

This seems like a no-brainer. The only thing I can think of is that it isn't profitable enough to use nitrogen. The drug companies' thugs will come around and break your kneecaps for even thinking about nitrogen.

Comment Re:There's an app for that? (Score 2) 184

After a week of trying to find an app that prevents me from all cell phone use from behind the wheel entirely

Maybe my perspective is limited because I still have a dumb phone, but it strikes me that maybe the problem is that you are trying to solve this problem with the wrong tool.

I would say that if a person cannot figure out the solution on their own, they are a tool.

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One of the most overlooked advantages to computers is... If they do foul up, there's no law against whacking them around a little. -- Joe Martin
