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Comment Hello? Will you enterain us? (Score 1) 34

First thing that came to mind when I saw this link was 'Singularity Sky' by Charles Stross. I'd direct anyone curious about it to look up the novel instead of me trying to explain it fully. But it's a very interesting idea that someone has came up with here. And as with any new technology like this it does have interesting possibilities. Like a flying tool kit that will make anything you'd like if you'll just tell it a story.

Comment Scientific Vamperisim! (Score 1) 178

I LIKE this idea. Catch the slow and the stupid so that I might drain them of their own precious bodily fluids so that I might prolong my own life.

On a somewhat less silly note I do wonder just how much of an improvement can be had via this. And more importantly how might it be applied to new treatment techniques. Using some of the regenerative techniques maybe we could culture, say, the bone marrow of a baby and use it to constantly produce fresh blood. Maybe every few years go in for a completely 'oil change'.

Comment Re:Sci-fi foresaw this (Score 1) 1374

Yeah I read the Weapon's Shops of Isher. Interesting idea. But it was also a really bloody stupid idea too. In Isher the gun technology was supposed to be smart enough to know when it was being used 'wrong'. Relying on technology to be the arbiter or morality isn't likely to work ever... let alone with this still unproven technology.

And never mind the fact that this actual Armatix is a complete piece of crap as is.

Comment Re:Kill it with MAGMA! (Score 1) 281

No, I didn't just read it in a sci-fi mag. I rather wish I had access to the original article, but it's been a long time back. From the article it states that there are a few places on this planet where the thrust is rather thing. I THINK the place they mentioned was either Iceland or Greenland.. again... working from my crappy memory here. At these points it's 'only' a mile or so down. Which could THEORETICALLY work.

But this whole article was more or less speculation. Probably written by some engineer or scientist thinking up random ideas on how to get rid of the stuff. Of course this makes it about as good as your statement about it being a work of fiction.

Comment Kill it with MAGMA! (Score 2) 281

About a decade or so ago I recall reading an article that suggested cutting a hole into the earths surface where it's thinnest and dropping the stuff directly into the magma. At that point it would just be a matter of building a good air seal to keep any remaining toxic or radioactive gasses from escaping.

Comment Tastes more like real Dr Pepper! (Score 1) 466

Anyone remember those old ads? Diet Dr Pepper tastes more like real Dr Pepper? Yeah, it did taste a little more like the real stuff... but it still tastes like ass.

And more to the point of things that actually matter.... anyone got a line on how much this stuff costs? How about if it's actually good for you or not? What kind of crazy flavoring and additives are being put into it to try and make it taste that way? Hey how about any GMO ingredients? Not that I think GMO is the devil that it gets made out to be. But I'm not much into it either.

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