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Comment Re:much more energy in wind (Score 1) 90

Can you expand on this please? Why is the velocity cubed?
Not that I know anything about this stuff, but it seems like water should have more energy. 1,000Kg/m^3 for water compared to like 1.25Kg/m^3 for air. It seems like the difference in mass would blow away (HURRR) any but the most extreme difference in velocity.

Comment Re:Ridiculous (Score 1) 349

The West already has a cure in ZMapp

The West absolutely does not have a cure in ZMapp. The West has what might be a useful drug for ebola in ZMapp, but calling it a 'cure' is at best optimistic and at worst just not true. There is nowhere near enough evidence to indicate that ZMapp is effective either way, or even safe. A lot more testing needs to be done with it.

Trying to see the world from their perspective after coming back from EbolaDeathLand, I wouldn't call it irrational... they're likely just taking the long view.

Well, you've convinced me. Doctors and nurses who have been exposed to ebola should be required to stay home and be monitored until they've been certified ebola-free if the alternative is that they're going to take it upon themselves, consciously or not, to spread a deadly pathogen in order to raise awareness of it.

Comment Re:Ridiculous (Score 1) 349

Yes, people are dismissive of tragedies that happen to people they don't know in places they'll never visit. That isn't really one of humanity's more admirable traits, but it's there and undeniable.

I also agree that SHUT DOWN EVERYTHING would be a tremendous waste of money. Good thing I haven't heard anyone advocate it; it would be an irrational act. I don't believe I'll be quarantining myself from society either, since I am in point of fact not panicking and am well aware that my personal chances of contracting ebola are vanishingly small. Whether quarantining people who return from Western Africa is a good idea is another question. I certainly think that quarantining people who have been cleaning up blood and vomit and guts from ebola victims (e.g. nurse Pham, Dr. Spencer, and nurse Hickox, two of whom actually did contract ebola) is something that maybe should get some consideration, and am really kind of confused as to why people who nobly and selflessly work to save lives and combat disease in one country apparently become so irrationally unconcerned about spreading the same disease in their own.

As to your first paragraph, am I entirely misreading this? Are you suggesting that medical professionals returning from West Africa are consciously trying to spread ebola in the United States in order to raise awareness, and that you think this is good? I don't think I'm ready to agree with you on either claim, if that is in fact what you're saying.

Comment Re:There's a big unanswered question here (Score 1) 349

It appears that no one has, although it's 2 weeks into the 21-day maximum incubation period. I think that exposing an airliner full of people to hemorrhagic fever is kind of a terrible idea even if nobody turns out to have caught it, but I also think that getting back to your driveway safely doesn't mean that driving with a buzz was a good idea either.

Maybe I have no sense of adventure.

The point remains that CDC announced that she should never have gotten on that flight, and then later admitted she asked them beforehand and they basically told her that a nurse who had been caring for a guy who died from ebola, and who now had a fever, was just fine to get on the flight. That doesn't really inspire confidence in the CDC.

Comment Re:Ridiculous (Score 0) 349

These people have seen what this disease can do, and they have heard what reporting when they first have a symptom can do.

Indeed, they have seen what it can do.

So why is everyone so afraid of these heroes?

Because one of these heroes, after seeing what this disease can do, wandered around New York while feeling fatigued for a while and then lied to the police about having 'self-isolated' in his apartment. He only admitted that yeah, he took three subway lines, went for a jog, and went bowling after the police ran his metro card records. Another one of these heroes, after seeing what this disease can do, registered a fever of 101F on arrival in the US and shrieked like a self-righteous precious snowflake about being quarantined. Despite having seen what the disease does and showing one of the possible symptoms, she was far too special to suffer the indignity of a three week staycation and is currently going wherever the hell she chooses in Maine.

These are two people who have been working in an epidemic site, seen people bleeding and shitting themselves to death, know of other medical professionals who have contracted ebola despite wearing protective gear an following protocols, and still decided that their personal convenience and leisure trumps the health and well being of the general public. This from people who we really should expect would know better.

I'm not in a panic. I'd just like to be able to trust medical professionals who have been treating ebola victims in the middle of an epidemic area to at least twitch the needle on the common sense meter. Since this is apparently too much to ask, I think an enforced isolation is legal, reasonable, and responsible.

Comment Re:In Japan (Score 1) 331

Well, he said:

...the thing is there is a limit and family and friends of existing hunters usually get preference.

which seems to restrict it to the well-connected (people with connections are often said to be well-connected), and

Ammo... can only be purchased at very specfic places - and the prices are outrageous. The yearly license fees on the guns are apprently pretty expensive too.

which seems to limit it to the rich (people who can afford to spend lots of money on expensive things are often rich). Of course, I am a simple man with simple answers.

Comment Re:I know ... (Score 2) 216

Meh, I get more junk snail mail than junk calls, and even though snail mail doesn't actually interrupt what I'm doing, its still pretty annoying because of the environmental cost and the cost of recycling, which is born by the council (and hence the council tax payer).

Yes, but in the US, at least, bulk mailing subsidizes ordinary first-class letters. It's annoying, but it's the postal equivalent of advertisements on the radio - the noise pays the bills for the signal. I have no idea if it works that way in the UK, though.

Comment Re:Units and news (Score 1) 120

I consider that a man's brain originally is like a little empty attic, and you have to stock it with such furniture as you choose. A fool takes in all the lumber of every sort that he comes across, so that the knowledge which might be useful to him gets crowded out, or at best is jumbled up with a lot of other things, so that he has a difficulty in laying his hands upon it.

A man should keep his little brain attic stocked with all the furniture that he is likely to use, and the rest he can put away in the lumber-room of his library, where he can get it if he wants it.

Comment What does the net look like from the PRC? (Score 2) 99

Has anyone got any good articles, documentaries, or personal experiences about what ordinary Internet use is like in the PRC? Does filtering or censorship show up as a brick wall "COUNTERREVOLUTIONARY CONTENT FORBIDDEN", or a passive "sorry, no such content found"? How often does it affect ordinary daily browsing? If ordinary browsers are aware of it, do they generally develop a seething resentment of it, or a shrug-and-live-with-it accpetance (or resignation) like some western employees whose workplaces filter access? I'd be interested to read something objective about what the filter actually is, what it does, and how the Chinese generally feel about it.

Comment Re:Still torture (Score 3, Informative) 577

While I strongly oppose to subduing anyone, the best would be to use tranquilizer darts. Works like a charm on animals (appropriate irony). Fast acting and relatively pain free.
People die every day from anesthesia administered by highly trained, licensed, expert anesthesiologists with access to the best in modern drugs and equipment. I really hope you don't think that a cop can just shoot a magical one-size-fits-all tranq dart at a 250lb thug on PCP and a 95lb teenager and safely send either or both to magical sleepy land. That only happens in the movies. A taser is probably significantly safer.

Feed Engadget: Windows Update pushes out "stealth" updates, Microsoft explains (

Filed under: Desktops, Laptops

Microsoft kicked up a bit of a stir recently, when it began what appeared to be a practice of updating files on individuals' computers even when they had turned off the automatic update feature in Windows XP and Vista. That first came to light courtesy of the folks at the "Windows Secrets" newsletter, which found that nine files in XP and Vista were changed on or after August 24th, with no notification of the changes in Windows whatsoever. That was later confirmed by ZDNET's Hardware 2.0 blog, which tracked down the affected files and also pinpointed the update date as August 24th. Now, Microsoft has come out and explained itself, saying that the updates weren't really updates for Windows, but rather updates for Windows Update itself, which apparently didn't merit a notification. The company does admit that it could have been more "transparent" about the matter, however, and says it's now "looking at the best way to clarify" the behavior of Windows Update.

[Thanks, Robert J]

Read - Computerworld, "Microsoft changes Windows files on user PCs without permission"
Read - ZDNet Hardware 2.0, "Confirmation of stealth Windows Update"
Read - ITWorld, "Microsoft: 'Secret' updates were for Windows Update itself"

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An anonymous reader writes: Indiana regulators exempted BP from state environmental laws to clear the way for a $3.8 billion expansion that will allow the company to refine heavier Canadian crude oil. They justified the move in part by noting the project will create 80 new jobs. ...
The company will now be allowed to dump an average of 1,584 pounds of ammonia and 4,925 pounds of sludge into Lake Michigan every day.

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