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Journal Journal: What is the Mindsack?

Okay, so it wasn't actually ready for prime time, but then I had an Ask Slashdot article posted and started to get hits ... so now the Mindsack is up and running.

It's an online community for anyone who wants to get better grades. You show up, find (or create) your school, department, and class, and then start asking and answering multiple-choice questions. Said questions also require feedback to provide results; questions that receive the highest scores bubble up to the top of the list.

The Mindsack ought to work best for people who are in large classes. There are three or four students in each class who will claim leadership positions by asking questions, and maybe five or ten more in each class who won't enter questions but will take the tests. By exam time--if people have been using it consistantly since the beginning of the class, that is--just about every possible question that might be asked will be there, with the popular ones sorted neatly to the top.

There's also room for everything2-style write-ups, discussion of anything and everything, and e-mail subscriptions to all that chatter. Please come by and take a peek if you're in the mood; your grades will be better.

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